What are the coordinates of the y-intercept of the graph of:?

2016-04-12 3:28 pm
f(x)2times 3^x-1

回答 (2)

2016-04-12 3:45 pm
Presentation is unclear due to lack of brackets.
As give MUST be read as :-
f (x) = y = [ 2 x 3^(x) ] - 1
f (0) = y = 5
Point (0,5)
However could it be that you actually mean :-
f (x) = y = 2 [ 3^(x - 1) ]
f (0) = y = 2/3
Point (0,2/3)

What DID you mean?

However could it be that you actually mean :-
y =
2016-04-12 3:41 pm
To find the y-intercept, set x=0
f(x) = (2) 3^(x-1)
f(x) = 2^(3)^(-1) = 2/3
(0,2/3) is the y-intercept

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