Sugar free Red Vines??

2016-04-12 2:41 pm
I have to have something sweet but nothing crazy. Im trying to eat healthy right now so are red vines OK to eat?? Is it "healthy"? Id rather have this then go buy a 160 calorie chocolate bar lol. Just saying.

回答 (5)

2016-12-13 12:19 am
Sugar Free Red Vines
2016-09-16 3:51 pm
參考: Reverse Any Diabetes Easily -
2016-05-17 2:52 pm
參考: I Cured My Diabetes -
2016-04-12 3:11 pm
The trouble with sugar-free candy is that it's hard to control portions and just stop, and that it often doesn't fulfill your need for the real sugar you crave.

Seven sugar-free vines comes to 90 calories, so if you can stop at seven, that's acceptable. It's nearly all carbs, no fat.

But even if you eat them slowly, you're not likely to feel sated like you might if you had an 80-calorie Greek yogurt.
2016-04-12 2:42 pm

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