Cheap Raw Feeding?

2016-04-12 1:22 pm
I was going to give my Corgi a raw feed (PRM), since after some research I decide to stop on dry food.
For now I give her commercial BARF, butt all base from chicken, mix with vegie or fruit.
She almost 2 years old, 8,6kg or 19lbs.
As what I learn so far, I need to feed around 220gr per meal. About 176gr meat + 22gr bone + 11gr liver + 11gr organ
After some study, I learn that chicken alone not enough, and will make her deficit in mineral and nutrient. But I'm not that rich to afford red meat all time.
So can I mix chicken and red meat? but not 50/50. Maybe from 176gr muscle meat, I will mix 120 chicken and 50gr other meat resource (beef/lamb/pork)
Any suggestion or site that can give me recipe to make daily meal would be helpful too

I would love to have game meat, but there no much meat to chose at my country. Mostly are muslim and I live in city, so there limited meat variety available and the cheapest meat I can buy only from some traditional market. chose available only, chicken, duck, beef, goat, sometime I can get pork I can only spare $30-$35 per month 1kg Commercial BARF $4 1kg of Chicken $3 - $5 1kg of Beef/Goat/Lamb $10 - $15 1kg of Pork $7 - $10


As my condition, I can only add red meat for 1/3 of her monthly meal max, the rest must be chicken, as I can't afford to buy more red meat So is it good if I go with mix her meal as I describe before? or I must separate it like 5 days on chicken and 2 days on other meat?

回答 (5)

2016-04-13 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
you were feeding a commercial raw chicken mix that you could afford? before changing, did you check to see if it was supplemented with vitamins to make it suitable as a complete diet? it may have been. that's how most commercial dog foods do things. if it was, you could just stay on it.

if you do it yourself, it really is best if you can find a third protein. pork and turkey are the next cheapest after chicken where i live. variety is what makes a complete diet. raw eggs and canned tuna/sardines are also a good thing to feed at least once a week. also, it does not matter if you mix proteins in the meals or not. you could feed chicken for two weeks, beef for one week, and then one week of pork if you want, or have some beef, pork and chicken in every meal. its whatever you and your dog prefer. it just has to balance over time.
2016-04-12 3:52 pm
Oriental grocery stores sell scrap meats dirt cheap.
2016-04-12 4:01 pm
Although it is preferred that you mix around the proteins, having one as a staple isn't necessarily a bad thing.

My dogs will get kangaroo 4-5 times a week, and chicken or beef on other days.

homestly, as long as you are providing a good meat:bone:organ ratio, you really shouldn't have any trouble feeding them only chicken
2016-04-12 2:54 pm
The cheapest way is to feed the dogs whatever they catch eg mine are working Sheepdogs they supply far more rabbit that they can eat.( they often feed me not the other way around ) my dogs currently bring home between 5 and 8 rabbits a day
2016-04-12 1:48 pm
you are better off giving all chicken as one meal and then another protein source for another meal and not necessarily mixing them.

Go to butchers and get chicken carcass really cheap and other cheap cuts and then you can spend more on other meats.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:57:45
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