will the warriors realize history or will the 95-96 bulls prove why they are that damn good?

2016-04-12 5:43 am

回答 (7)

2016-04-13 7:29 am
I think the Warriors will go 73-9, but the Bulls have already proved that they are that damn good. There is nothing the Warriors can do that'll take away what the Bulls did.
2016-04-12 10:34 pm
It's obvious that the Warriors had a easy schedule.
2016-04-12 4:33 pm
Yeah they already are IDK if they are indeed better than the 96 Bulls but they are right at their level and could have more wins than them.
2016-04-12 4:09 pm
Warriors will make history.
2016-04-12 9:41 am
I think both have proven they're All-Time Teams, when your winning-% is around 90, for an 82 game season, you're ridiculously good, and ridiculously consistent.
2016-04-12 7:12 am
Both of those already happened. The Warriors have the wins record whether they get 72 or 73. If it's 72, the record is shared but it's still the record. And the Bulls proved they were good 20 years ago.
2016-04-12 5:56 am
warriors win

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