Losing my virginity tomorrow?

2016-04-12 3:26 am
I'm going to lose my Virginity tomorrow to a guy who I've liked for awhile now...he's tried to have sex several times, but I'm finally ready. However, he doesn't want to sleep over like he usually does because he says "we'd be acting like boyfriend girlfriend" if we were to have sex and sleep together after. But i don't want him to *** and then leave me, especially on such a special night for me. I'll feel used up and abandoned. What should i do?

I'm 20 and female, btw


How do i tell him that, without making it into yet another argument, and without pushing him away?

回答 (8)

2016-04-12 3:34 am
What you should do is not just have sex with him just because he has been asking for it. If that's all he wants please don't do it. Find a guy who wouldn't mind waiting. After he gets sex more than likely he'll leave, and we don't want that to happen. But if you truly feel like it's the time for you to lose it then do so.
2016-04-12 3:28 am
Let me tell you flat out: You aren't finally ready and you will be disappointed with the end result. Ideally, you would wait till marriage to lose your virginity. That way, you know that the guy likes you for your personality, not just as a sex tool.

It's no wonder why people who wait till marriage to have sex have the lowest divorce rate.
2016-04-12 3:43 am
First of all, don't do it. If he's trying to just get laid and leave then obviously he doesn't want a relationship. Why give something so special to someone who doesn't respect you. I hope this isn't going through one ear and out the other. Anyways at the end of the day it is your choice. I just hope you won't make a decision you will regret.
2016-04-12 3:34 am
Well,... Sorry to break it up for you but you re right about being "used" if he doesn t even have the decency to stay! If not out of "love" at least out of "respect".
2016-04-12 3:31 am
if he has already slept over then the right thing would be for him to sleep over. i would suggest no sleep over no sex, to be honest the way he is phrasing it sounds really bad, for god's sake you'd be having sex with him, he should not be worried about what you two would be acting like. he should treat you with respect. Just let him know that it's not like he is doing you a favor. If he wants the goods he needs to earn it.
2016-04-12 3:30 am
You should not have sex with him. It doesn't matter if you are "ready" or not. He's not the right guy for you, especially for your first time. He's just using you. You should wait.
2016-04-12 3:41 am
If he doesn't want to be WITH YOU, after, then keep putting it off, and/or dump his a%%.
2016-04-12 3:29 am
if you feel like he should sleep over with you, tell him you're not having sex. don't let him manipulate you- remember you're the gatekeeper of your body, and he wants it.

if you like him you should tell him; you're 20, it's not like you're in high school. adults can do what they want. again, don't feel manipulated.

answer mine? :)

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