ebay buyer says they did not receive item after 5 months?

2016-04-12 12:01 am
I sold shoes through eBay to buyer almost 6 months ago. She just filed claim after all that time saying she did not receive the shoes. That is already very suspicious to me. I provided PayPal the tracking number since they're sperated from eBay. I still feel like PayPal will side with buyer even though I have proof the item was delivered. What will happen?

回答 (3)

2016-09-10 11:06 am
Did the tracking number say "delivered"? Then it's a non-issue.
2016-04-12 10:29 am
Paypal will find in your favor if you have proof of delivery.
2016-04-12 12:34 am
I thought a buyer had only 45 days to file a claim for Item Not Received. Did you upload your proof that item was delivered? You are dealing with Ebay not Paypal. You an always call Ebay and inquire.

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