
2016-04-11 11:31 pm
本人之前和前男友租住一單位,二按一上系佢比,同佢分手後甘大家搬走啦,之後佢叫我還反d按金比佢,我都冇借佢,系佢自願的,佢 恐嚇我話識入境處d人我吾比錢佢就告我,話我吾上庭就會比人通緝,又吾知叫d咩人用手寫封信去我屋企,搞到我屋企人呀,
第一,我冇同佢簽過任何證明我借佢錢ge 野


回答 (4)

2016-04-12 4:06 am
2016-04-12 12:39 am
2016-04-12 11:19 pm
可以打中文MA ?? THX
2016-04-12 10:20 am
1. Although it is remotely possible (What your ex-boyfriend said is basically correct), the answer is no as soon as you act accordingly.

Typically, a civil case will not result in travel restriction/arrest. However, if any persons have failed to obey the court order intentionally, including, but not limited to order to appear, pay the judgment, etc.; the Court can hold that person contempt of the court. If this is the case, the Court can issue a bench warrant to arrest that person and thus restrict his/her travel.

However, the less severe the case is, the less likely the Court will exercise this power.

In short - as soon as you don't evade in case you are sued, you should be fine.

2. You can sue anyone at anytime with any reasons.

However, you will need to show his action has injured you, which will be difficult in this case (as there is a genuine dispute on the debt in question, his action may be potentially legal).

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