Atheist Only How will you reply this?

2016-04-11 6:34 pm
If someone told you

Do you know that you are God' s favorite child?

God is love. that means he loves all the time without ever stopping or taking a rest. his love is always strong.

回答 (18)

2016-04-11 8:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Aw, I'm sure you say that to all the girls.

Actually, I haven't considered myself a child for almost 35 years.
2016-04-11 6:38 pm
"Atheist Only How will you reply this?"

The same way I reply to other nonsense, religious comments.

I'd say PROVE IT and then we'll talk. Otherwise, STFU about your ignorant, uneducated cult yammering.

It is stupid and childish to talk like you KNOW about the emotions, likes, wants, desires, and demands of a mythical creature whose existence you cannot even begin to prove.
2016-04-11 6:37 pm
Sometime along the lines of, "Sorry, but I don't believe in your God. And if what you said is true, he must be a deadbeat Dad because I've never seen him."
2016-04-11 6:38 pm
Excellent. He won't mind if I carry on with what I was doing then.

Thanks Dad.
2016-04-11 6:51 pm
At least one of the following must be false:

"God is love," I John 4:8, 16

"Love keeps no record of wrongs," I Corinthians 13:5

"The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books," Revelation 20:12

2016-04-11 6:47 pm
"God's favorite child?" That's pretty unlikely, considering the billions of other human beings who have also existed. Love is merely a human emotion, a state of mind, not a tangible substance from which something or someone can be made.
2016-04-11 6:43 pm
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA hows that answer??? If god was real then no little boys would ever of been abused by any priests or pastors would they and that is a given!!!
2016-04-11 6:38 pm
I would distance myself from that "someone". My time is too precious to waste on babble.
2016-04-11 7:41 pm
"Atheist Only (sic) How (sic) will you reply (sic) this?"
This is an open forum. You may not dictate who may answer your questions.

"If someone told you (sic)"
Told me what?

"Do you know that you are God' s favorite child?"
This is pure fantasy. There are no gods. I am no more the child of a god, let alone the favourite one, any more than I am the best friend of Mickey Mouse.

"God is love. that (sic) means he loves all the time without ever stopping or taking a rest. his (sic) love is always strong."
There are no gods and supernatural beings that do not exist cannot have any emotions.

I am loved by, and I love, real human beings. That love is real and not based on fantasy.

If my parents had loved me like your god "loves" me I would have been the subject of intervention by social services.
2016-04-11 6:52 pm
Smile and nod.. and back away.
2016-04-11 6:51 pm
my first question will always be WHICH god.
2016-04-11 6:43 pm
How do you know that ? Will be my first question. Next ,after get the knowledge of what religion and version he or she practice, I will question how and why his or her version of god and their believers don't behave in a really loving way.... all the time...
2016-04-11 6:43 pm
That's fine and all, but he's not my type. I prefer them with bigger penis size.
2016-04-11 6:36 pm
I'm not an atheist but God bless you ❤️
2016-04-11 7:35 pm
First I would inquire as to which of the gods they are referring to then question why is the "love" offered a coercive love requiring a specific performance in order to earn it.
2016-04-11 7:27 pm
I would reply: I am not a child.
2016-04-11 7:22 pm
I would say "Cool." and continue living my life.
2016-04-11 6:41 pm
God's love.

I'd say focus on some different sheep. Because what I'm about to do isn't going to be nice to watch.

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