What does 2.5Ghz up to 3.1GHz mean?

2016-04-11 1:21 pm
I am going to buy a laptop, it says 2.5GHz up to 3.1GHz, i know that that is the clock speed, but does it mean it goes up to 3.1GHz automattically or do i have to change it myself to 3.1GHz.

Thank you.

回答 (5)

2016-04-11 4:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's usually a turbo boost. When you're running some intensive program, the CPU will automatically increase it's speed up to 3.1Ghz depending on what you're doing.

Like Jamin said, if you're just doing basic browsing, they won't run at 3.1Ghz all the time since that will deplete the battery more quickly.
2016-04-12 2:22 am
under the right thermal conditions the processor can operate at up to 3.1 GHz
2016-04-11 1:59 pm
It's automatic. For a while now laptop processors will slow themselves down quite a bit when they aren't needed to save power and extend your battery life.
2016-04-11 3:07 pm
2017-01-15 11:00 pm
What Does 2.5 Ghz Mean

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:36:05
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