叫你不寫你又要檢舉,真可憐...問題: 求職時,又不想讓人知道過去荒盪不羈的一面,該如何填寫履歷的自傳? 已刪除答案: 履歷沒有自傳一項,不必畫蛇添足?

2016-04-10 2:46 pm

回答 (2)

2016-04-10 3:55 pm
My work experience putted in reverse order showed an experienced candidate.Much of the form on most recent post are not applicable (=did not apply) to me.I have great faith in you,Sir---I know you'll do well. Don't lost faith in the Company's promise.Have reasonable trust in my Profile, Skills, Interests and References.The References are attached on a separate page,please. Education shows my training and learning acquired.That's why I put it after Education and qualifications.
2016-04-10 4:03 pm
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這條🐍沒有足, 肥嘟嘟的。卡娃兒麽?哈哈

她放棄了, 我也放棄了, 眼不見為冇樹!

星仔要做回自己, 開開心心d。

「煩事不上心頭, 便是人生好時節!」

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