DELETE FROM 是英文文法,你不滿意可以不用....問題: DELETE一定要搭配FROM嗎 能不能單個DELETE寫法 如,delete 產品資料 where 類別編號=10? 已刪除答案: 這是sql語法,亦是英文文法,你向人說或會明白你同情你,向電腦說就會話你錯?

2016-04-10 2:37 pm

回答 (2)

2016-04-11 3:03 am
delete xxx (from yyy)
He has deleted the files (from the computer system).
= The files have been deleted (from the computer system).
2016-04-10 4:04 pm
delete something(from) something;
eg:-Your name has been deleted from the name list.
eg;-This command deletes files from the computer.
eg:-He made several deletions from the book.He tried to delete as appropriate.

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