English Tense Problem?

2016-04-10 11:15 am
我現在已丟了六個盒,現在還有十個盒未丟,我可唔可以講"I have been throwing away boxes."

回答 (1)

2016-04-10 12:52 pm
Have you study English Grammar?
throw out be used;
cartridge paper boxes be used;
all should be used, not 6+10.
present perfect tense be used;
eg:-If you keep throwing away all the boxes,you'll soon get all boxes thrown out.
eg:-I have now thrown away six boxes.
eg:-Now I have ten cartridge paper boxes which I did not throw out.
Because present perfect tense (in grammar) is the form of a verb that shows a period of time up to and including the present,formed with" have" and a past participle.
The present perfect continuous shows that the action of throwing began in the past, has extended up to the present and may continue in the future--indicates the possibility of continuation in the future:-
eg:-"Ten boxes come at last. I have been throwing away six boxes for the last hour."
eg:-"I have been throwing away all boxes for the last hours."
Why use the grammar progressive=the continuous tense?
Sally has studied and worked in Grammar almost continuously since p.4.

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