how can i eat dogs in canada, how can i get myself a dog and kill it for consumption?

2016-04-10 7:49 am

回答 (1)

2016-04-10 8:38 am

In some cultures, people eat domestic animals, but this doesn't apply to Canada.
2016-04-11 4:05 pm
Get a dog at the pound, fatten it up and butcher it.
2016-04-10 2:49 pm
We do not eat our pets here in Canada, it is against the law actually.
2016-04-10 7:49 am
Don't eat dogs. Dogs are the best. :(
2016-04-11 10:14 pm
I doubt that you can legally do this in Canada or the United States. But I assume you are Asian and therefore have a valid issue, that you should be able to consume dog meat. You could ask your legislator to introduce a bill making it legal. Whether this would succeed or not I don't know. The common expression is "You can't fight City Hall."
2016-04-10 6:45 pm
Go to the biggest city you can find and eat out in Chinatown.

Chances are 50/50 that you will be eating dog.
2016-04-10 9:04 am
Obviously your not a nice person:>>>
One only has to look at all your other hate questions to know you are unstable.
Take a long walk off a short pier and end your misery. ok?
2016-04-12 5:38 am
You can't. But even if you can, you should never ever eat a dog. Never!!!
2016-04-10 12:01 pm
Another baby troll seeking amusement eh

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