問題: 請問: Faithfaulness issues 真正的意思是什麼呢?是到什麼程度的行為呢?有多嚴重呢? 已刪除答案: 沒有這個字,你查查大清字典再問?

2016-04-10 4:53 am

回答 (4)

2016-04-10 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
There was something ,dare I say, a little unusal about you:-
You didn't dare to tick anyone whom you think they should;
They didn't dare to ans. for fear of any cancelling;
You asked the Q and you ans.your own;and add 20 marks of the sum to your total to get 1st position !
2016-04-10 5:17 am
給你一個提示 你問的問題與你的解答 正是你自己本身.......呃........只是一個提醒.......恕我多言.....你若是沒有回答 就不會有現在 而你若是見到他人回答卻沒有用心 這就是結果 ......呃.........大概這樣子 然後 看來我又倒楣了呵呵呵~~~~
2016-04-29 2:50 pm
2016-04-10 8:07 am

一句話: 撐你, 有點意思!哈...哈...哈👏

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