Cheapest way to kill myself?

2016-04-10 4:23 am
I'd like to die right now but I'm pretty broke and have no weapons...

回答 (2)

2016-04-10 4:35 am
Here assault police
2016-04-10 4:31 am
Don't, I've tried, I took a whole lot off pills and it felt terrible, I couldn't breathe, I was throwing up all over the floor and my stomach was burning, I was so hot and I had a huge headache, I could feel my heart beat slowing down, I had no energy I wished I hadn't done it it felt so awful and I then lost complete control of my body and started shaking and kicking on the floor, my mom was crying and she rushed me to the hospital, I was in a coma for a week, really wasn't worth it, the second time I tried to overdose I had to drink charcoal, a whole bucket, a whole bucket of charcoal the stuff you put on fire crushed with water and whenever I threw up I had to have more added to the bucket so don't just don't, you will regret it

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:53:47
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