What's the cut off time for calling family?

2016-04-10 2:31 am
My grandma, whom I don't speak with very often (she is stressful to deal with) called my mom 2 days ago and left an annoyed sounding message saying nobody tells her anything about me and doesn't have my number and asked my mom to have me call her in the next couple days. I called my grandparents home phone yesterday but nobody answered and I left a message but nobody returned my call. Its currently 8:30 pm. Should I call my grandmas cell tonight? Or wait and call a little earlier tomorrow?

回答 (2)

2016-04-10 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
You left a message so you don't need to call again without your last call being returned. You can call again if you want to, but you aren't obligated to do that yet. After a couple of more days if you still haven't gotten a call, then try again. Give her more time to return your call.
2016-04-15 8:35 pm
you can try calling again, at least you tried even if you couldnt get her

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