Feminists vs Godzilla. Who would win?

2016-04-08 11:45 pm
Remember: No help from the men

回答 (10)

2016-04-09 12:38 am
Godzilla. Humans have consistently failed to beat Godzilla. Feminists, much as I hate to say it, are in the group called 'humans'. Humans can't beat Godzilla therefore there's no chance feminists could beat Godzilla. Especially since all feminists ever do is complain.

"Godzilla smashed a building. 40 people were killed and one of them was a WOMAN! PATRIARCHY!"
2016-04-08 11:57 pm
"The birth of Baby Godzilla, in 1967's "Son of Godzilla" indicted that the beast might actually be female. And in 1998, the Roland Emmerich-directed Godzilla had the beast pregnant, further confirming its female status."

Godzilla likely was female so she might not be against feminists at all ;P
2016-04-08 11:46 pm
the feminist because she wouldn't stfu and godzilla would get sick of her and just leave.
2016-04-09 5:41 pm
I dunno but it sounds like a smash hit at the box office. Godzilla vs ghostbusters coming soon to a theatre near you.
2016-04-09 1:38 am
Ok I just got a mental picture of godzilla roaring and running back to the sea! XD
2016-04-09 12:13 am
Presumably feminists would not dare to oppose Godzilla, considering that Godzilla is far more oppressed than they are, and opposing him would break the intersectionality system.
2016-04-09 12:01 am
Feminist or Godzilla? Now that's a rock and a hard place..... both are scary, unpleasant, and destructive.
2016-04-09 2:11 am
Feminists would win. We're real. Godzilla is imaginary. Game over Big G.
2016-04-08 11:48 pm
Ironic, since it was men who created Godzilla. By, you know, creating weapons of mass genocide.
2016-04-09 12:08 am
Feminists would acknowlege Godzilla's pain at the hands of a bunch of gun weilding psycopaths who are so certain of their own (self appointed) elitism, and so morally and intellectually bankrupt that they cannot even spell 'empathy', that their first instinct is to destroy, plunder, abuse, torture etc any living creature that suits their purpose.

If a living creature cannot actually articulate, in words of 1 syllable, their suffering enough to make it so explicit even a moron could grasp the concept, then you chaps believe it either does not happen, does not matter, or that you are entitled to cause it.

If men were never in the picture, had never threatened and tormented godzilla, 'winning' would not be necessary. Don't forget, women have developed strategies for dealing with violent, ignorant brutes for as long as humankind has existed. And they seldom involve violence.

But, isn't your question just typical? You guys create all the crap and then demand that feminists fix it for you.

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