Do men love women for who they are? And does it seem like shallow reasons are why women love?

2016-04-08 5:43 pm

回答 (5)

2016-04-08 5:46 pm
Don't make generalizations about either sex, each person is different, each person looks for different qualities in their mate whether it be a man or woman and each person has their reasons for why and who they love.
2016-04-08 9:08 pm
2/3 marry because of money 1/3 marry cause of love uptou
2016-04-08 8:45 pm
2016-04-08 5:52 pm
2016-04-08 5:51 pm
Yes, men can love women very intensely and unconditionally (after some time).

Women, though... I don't know, because I'm not one.

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