Are some people more privileged then others and fail to understand it?

2016-04-08 5:40 pm

回答 (11)

2016-04-08 5:47 pm
It's only "privilege" if it's across social class lines. Otherwise, yer just bellyachin' that the people at the next slave cabin got more grits and bacon sent down from the Big House than you did. That whole privilege "theory" scam, that reclassifies the VERY BASIS OF SOCIETY, social class, as just another "ism," is the ULTIMATE in a slave mentality. Blaming other slaves, and ignoring our corporate MASTERS.

I don't care if you DO have a bigger pool of blood at your feet than I do. Denying the scars on my back and classifying me with THE WHIPMASTER will not win you my friendship. The only people who fall for that are well-off upper-middle/lower-upper guilt freaks. And THEY will abandon you as soon as a new frozen yogurt flavor comes out. But win over white male poor together with the other oppressed , and you've got an overwhelming majority that will stick together until the end.

So you've got a choice. Let Bubba sit down with everybody by the fire, and we all plan our slave revolt together?

Or do you indulge well-off guilt-trippers in "checking their privilege" and your OWN ethnic/gender "getchaback" fantasies? And then we're all tied separately to our whipping posts forever, to be beaten till red flows, at our different rates?

RIDDLE ME THIS, kid. Black Panther Fred Hampton, who was meeting with community leaders in poor white neighborhoods, talking about all the oppressed working together, a BLACK PANTHER GETTING CHEERS FROM REDNECKS -- why do you think the cops made so VERY damned sure that HE died, but a lot of the old "hate whitey" crowd are still fine and dandy and sell their memoirs on talk shows?

Our corporate masters LOVE privilege "theory." And they HATE people who grow past it.
2016-04-08 6:08 pm
There are many policies privileging women in the U.S., most or all of which feminists either deny or pretend ignorance of.

Many people also point to any difference between groups of people an call them privileges when often the difference is not caused by privilege. A privilege is a benefit or immunity granted to one group of people but denied others. There can be differences between groups of people that are not caused by one group being granted any privilege.

Men working more and earning more than women overall for example, is not a privilege. It's due to choice and expectations, not because of any privilege granted to men and denied women.
2016-04-08 5:41 pm
Very much so. Some people can be very self entitled.
2016-04-09 12:17 am
2016-04-08 8:38 pm
2016-04-08 6:55 pm
Yes. I'm not going to bother saying who but I guarantee you that if I did and you asked them about it, they'd deny having privilege OR they'd pick a really lame 'privilege' and pretend that's all they had. I've seen them do it. It's their standard operating procedure.
2016-04-08 6:46 pm
Feminists and western women are the best example.
2016-04-08 5:56 pm
Yes without a doubt.

But it depends on your context.

It is a privilege to be included in one of your thoughts to the extent of being able to answer your question.

It could be a privilege to know you.

Some could be seen as privileged because they are able to buy more than others or earn more.

Some are privileged just to be alive at the end of the day.

So yea there are so many ways one can be privileged it is enevitable that some take it for granted and never notice just how privileged they are.
2016-04-08 5:44 pm
obviously, yes.

but these lines cant be drawn by such arbitrary characteristics as race, gender and religion. some black people are more privileged than whites - some women more privileged than men - some mulsims more privileged than christians.... so the lefts take on privilege is retarded.
2016-04-08 5:41 pm

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