How has the world changed? For me it was a spiritual awakening not in terms of religion, but more or less in a Dr Who Sci-fi kind of way?

2016-04-08 5:35 pm

回答 (4)

2016-04-08 11:50 pm
You met a time travelling alien? Awesome.
2016-04-08 5:39 pm
Most of us aren't shoving swords into each other. That's a nice improvement.
2016-04-08 5:48 pm
You now see in shades of gray. Good intentions have bad results. The temptation to do bad for a good outcome is strong. People you previously thought virtuous are flawed. The apparent freedom of one who ignores the rules seems worth emulating.

You are changing from a child into an adolescent and eventually into an adult. Start looking for answers that acknowledge the ambiguity and complexity of life.

Simple things like do what God wants and you will be happy or Do what I want and I will be happy are insufficient.

Your connection in time to other human beings, ancestors in blood and faith are real. They are not ghosts. They are in a dr who sense alive. So too the generation we will leav this world to.

It's trite and misleading, but we are passing through. And on our way.

Spirituality deliberately shared is religon. Don't journey alone. It is more fun and more safe to have companions.
2016-04-08 5:41 pm
The sun still rises and sets
The seasons come and go
The rains and snow comes to renew the land
Animals are born and die

the world has not changed

Society may have more technical power in our hands than Nasa had to send men to the moon, but we are using that power to play candy Crush

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:23:22
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