I want to buy a new car but don't know what features should be in it.Help me out ?

2016-04-08 10:08 am

回答 (5)

2016-04-08 10:57 am
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People can help you out but only if you list the things you want and need most from a vehicle. This list should include where you will be driving, how many people and/or cargo you anticipate driving on a regular basis, and what features you would like to see in your vehicle.
2016-04-08 1:16 pm
That depends on your wants,, needs, and budget. Since nobody hear knows you we can't tell you what features "should" be in it.
2016-04-08 10:19 am
What do you need the car to do?

A base model Toyota is the right car for some people that just need to get to work or school reliably.

Other people want to tow boats or drive to ski-fields. They want something with a V8 and/ or 4 WD.

Or if you mean "features" like satnav or bluetooth stereo? No one "needs" those things. They are nice to have if you have the spare $$ of course.
2016-04-08 10:10 am
What would you most while driving ?
2016-04-08 11:49 am
Hi so if you where an experienced driver the features would be obvious.

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