Can I catch the primate virus in the Phillipines?

2016-04-07 4:59 pm

回答 (6)

2016-08-23 7:50 pm
參考: Perfect Antivirus Protection Suite :
2016-05-02 2:16 pm
Not if you use a condom.
2016-04-14 7:05 am
yes you can but the chances are lower than getting a lightning strike
2016-04-09 6:57 am
No. Most common like anywhere else is the common cold and or flu.
2016-04-08 5:08 am
No you cannot
2016-04-07 5:59 pm
Reston virus (RESTV) is one of five known viruses within the genus Ebolavirus. Reston virus causes Ebola virus disease in non-human primates; unlike the other four ebolaviruses, it is not known to cause disease in humans, but has caused asymptomatic infections.[1][2][3] Reston virus was first described in 1990 as a new "strain" of Ebola virus (EBOV).[4] It is the single member of the species Reston ebolavirus, which is included into the genus Ebolavirus, family Filoviridae, order Mononegavirales.[5] Reston virus is named after Reston, Virginia, US, where the virus was first discovered.

RESTV was discovered in crab-eating macaques from Hazleton Laboratories (now Covance) in 1989. This attracted significant media attention due to the proximity of Reston to the Washington, DC, metro area and the lethality of a closely related Ebola virus. Despite its status as a level-4 organism, Reston virus is non-pathogenic to humans, though hazardous to monkeys;[6][7] the perception of its lethality was compounded by the monkey's coinfection with Simian hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV).

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