do you believe in life after death???

2016-04-07 2:45 pm

回答 (12)

2016-04-07 2:50 pm
"Do you believe in life after death?"

Do you have a reason that I should?
2016-04-07 3:52 pm
no doubt about it. no doubts about jesus being real Also! ive either died 7 times maybe as many times as a dozen, some were either NDEs or OBEs. 3 times i have seen visions of jesus, and one of those times i actually watched myself float out by body, out of the van i was sleeping in, and into the open air and rising sun. my avatar actually represents something similar to what i saw. and then, on two other times, i opened my eyes and i was in a white place, i could see the earth as though it were the size of a footstool and i could see a man preaching repentance to the earth, but now i think it was not to the earth but to probably another spirit like me, as he came to me and said repentance and the parable of the Hen and her chicks. and in one of the two visions, i also received confirmation of the priesthood to which i had been asking for a sure word of prophecy to be confirmed. and i rarely share this part of my testimony.
2016-04-07 3:24 pm
2016-04-07 3:03 pm
There are 3 things in life that humans cannot and will not be able to do anything about. - whatever their faith or lack of faith.

Death, Resurrection (life after death) and Judgement!

All 3 are temporarily postponed for all who are still living.

2, Resurrection and Judgement are temporarily postponed for those who are dead.
2016-04-07 2:49 pm
I believe in infinity..
2016-04-07 4:52 pm
Idk about everybody else but I believe when you do you die. Think about it. Does life after death even make sense? You're born into this world a fleshly being composed of cells, DNA, neurons, organs, etc. You need your body to function, to live your life and be you. Your brain works to power your mind. If you damage your brain you can damage yourself directly, YOU literally can change if your brain changes. YOU can lose a part of yourself if you lose a part of your brain or it is damage. Now imagine death. The whole brain is damaged. No oxygen, no neurons communicating. Nothing. No brain activity = no YOU activity. If this is true while your body is alive why is it not true at death? You need your body and brain to live if there's another way to live why do even have these redundant flesh bags anyway? I'd much rather be a floating ball of energy, least that way I wouldn't have to worry about getting stabbed or shot.
2016-04-07 4:49 pm
you tube>near death experiences watch!
2016-04-07 2:59 pm
wat if I told you I have been to the other side????
2016-04-07 3:02 pm
No, because I'm not an idiot.
2016-04-07 2:47 pm
No! 2 points.
2016-04-07 2:46 pm
2016-04-07 3:09 pm
Genesis 3:19 says, “Dust you are and to dust you will return." Also, Ecclesiastes 9:10 states that “there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going.” The Bible also explains what happens to both humans and animals at death. It says: “All are going to the same place. They all come from the dust, and they all are returning to the dust.”—Ecclesiastes 3:20. What is the condition of the dead? “His spirit goes out, he returns to the ground; on that very day his thoughts perish.”—Psalm 146:4.

The dead experience neither joy nor torment. Indeed, since they are unconscious, they cannot experience anything at all; neither can they help or harm the living. According to Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6: “The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all . . . Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun.”
參考: Bible /

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