Which couple name?

2016-04-06 10:40 pm
Stella and Levi or Phoebe and Levi?

回答 (14)

2016-04-08 11:03 pm
Phoebe and Levi
2016-04-07 9:39 pm
Stella & Levi :)
2016-04-07 2:47 pm
Phoebe & Levi
2016-04-07 1:45 pm
2016-04-07 4:50 am
Phoebe and Levi
2016-04-07 3:03 am
Phoebe and Levi
2016-04-07 2:26 am
Neither but if I had to choose, Stella and Levi
2016-04-07 1:58 am
Stella and Levi
2016-04-07 12:05 am
Stella & Levi
2016-04-06 11:48 pm
Phoebe and Levi, together they sound more poetic than the first pair :)
2016-04-06 11:02 pm
Phoebe and Levi :) love it!
2016-04-06 10:49 pm
Stella and Levi
2016-04-06 10:41 pm
2016-04-06 10:40 pm
Second pair.

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