How do I stop being scared of spiders?

2016-04-06 12:49 am
I've been terrified of them since I was little. Their eyes creep me out the most and even if I see one on TV I turn my head help

回答 (3)

2016-04-06 1:08 am
Catch one yourself - or get someone to - and put it in a little jar or container and cover the top with a fabric or something that can allow some air in, but tight so that the spider can't escape.
Keep it as your pet and observe it. Everyday, talk to it about how your day was. Eventually you will grow fond of it. You will start seeing spiders in a different light. When you walk on the street and see a spider web, you will no longer scream or feel immense fear, only marvel at its beauty.
It will be a long, slow process. But it's all about changing your perception.
2016-04-06 1:07 am
Find a small harmless one and pick it up.
You will see they are mostly harmless and just will
tickle you.
2016-04-06 3:36 am
This is really a bad fear and if you don't do somthing about it, it can get worse, having a serious impact on your life.
The sad part is this fear is just plain not necessary.
There is nothing wrong with spiders other than they have a bad reputation, truly undeserved, they ar not the bad guys.
Perhaps if you read my answer below, it will help you understand your fear a bit and help deal with it.
Try to follow all the links. Hope this helps:
參考: Been around spiders 50 years.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:49:41
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