guys like virgins?

2016-04-05 9:53 pm
so i'm 15, and i have a huge crush on this boy and he asked me am i a virgin and i said yes and now im scared that he will think im a loser or something. people always tell me i dont look like a virgin lol? he is two years older than me

回答 (3)

2016-04-05 10:35 pm
It's none of his business and it is no good that he asked you..
2016-04-05 9:57 pm
Rather a disrespectful question don't you think? Just because other people claim to lose their virginity in their teens does not mean that you have to! Be yourself rather than a sheep following everyone else. Half of them are probably telling porkies anyway.

Sex might be fun obviously, as are drink and drugs no doubt, but outside of a strong and well established relationship it can turn out to be disastrous. Not only can pregnancy and STDs result, but sexual intercourse can often be emotionally bonding (especially if regular or frequent), and when the strong friendship, mutual values and interests etc. are not in place this can prove emotionally confusing. Just read some of the questions here, or watch some of the daytime t.v. shows with very unhappy people who have had sex too soon and/or with the wrong person. It can also cost a girl her self respect and the respect of others (including future boyfriends).
2016-04-05 9:56 pm
you can't tell a virgin by looks

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