what color are my eyes?

2016-04-05 4:51 pm
My eyes constantly change color. They go from blue to green to grey on a daily basis, In the sun they're usually grey, when I'm inside everyone debates whether they're blue or green or gray. Some say its a mix of all 3. I cant tell either. My eyes tend to be a bright grey or a bright green or a kind of steel blue.. I used to have teal eyes, no other color just teal. But not anymore, what changed? Is it just a recessive gene type of thing or is there a name for this?

回答 (3)

2016-04-05 4:55 pm
Everyone's eyes change color. Diet affects your eyes. Surprise.
2016-04-05 4:51 pm
Blue eyes
2016-04-05 4:54 pm
Wow that's amazing

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