How would Colossus(xmen character) react if his girlfriend cheated on him?

2016-04-05 2:50 am
Would he still maintain his gentleman ways or hate women in general?
Also If a girl says she hates perfect gentlemen like Colossus, is she a feminist?

回答 (6)

2016-04-05 3:04 am
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Colossus is a pacifist and only resorts to violence when forced to. Also, he has been cheated on before by Rogue back when they used to be an item. He took it rather well.
參考: One of my uncles was a comic nerd and he babysat me a lot.
2016-04-05 3:13 am
I get those moments also when I temporarily run out of gender study related questions.
2016-04-05 2:55 am
He'd post a question about a superhero on the YA gender studies page.
2016-04-05 2:52 am
Colossus would work out his anger with an invigorating wrestling match with a similarly enraged Godzilla.
2016-04-05 3:42 am
He would die.
2016-04-05 3:25 am
Why would you hate an entire portion of humanity because one woman cheated on you. That's irrational and stupid.

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