Is it ok to wear a blue wedding dress instead of white?

2016-04-04 6:33 pm
I really am not fond of the color white, not to mention i wanna be different with my wedding and change traditional wedding rules for once. is it ok to wear a baby blue wedding dress or purple? or is it mandatory to wear white?

回答 (21)

2016-04-04 6:48 pm
Of course it's OK to wear blue, or any color.

Of course it's not mandatory to wear white.

It's only mandatory to get the marriage license, find a properly certified wedding officiant/minister, and provide chairs, food, and drinks to everyone you may invite. Everything aside from that is 100% optional.

You can wear a department store dress:

You can order a blue dress from a website/catalog:

You can order a blue bridesmaid's dress:

Or you can look for a bridal designer that offers colorful wedding dresses:
2016-04-04 8:25 pm
You can wear any color you like. White has never been mandatory.
2016-04-04 6:41 pm
It's okay to wear whatever makes YOU feel good.
2016-04-04 6:54 pm
You can wear whatever colour you like.

The western white tradition hasn't been around for ever, and other countries have different colours anyway.
2016-04-04 11:06 pm
Of course it's ok to wear a non-white dress.
2016-04-04 7:09 pm
There is nothing wrong with ignoring tradition on your special day.
2016-04-04 7:20 pm
Of course your choice your day be happyt
2016-04-04 6:43 pm
Any colour you like.
2016-04-04 11:58 pm
Absolutely ok! It's your day, you can ignore whatever traditions you want to. I've never seen a bride in a blue dress, but I've seen pink and she looked beautiful.
2016-04-05 7:21 am
Of course it's not MANDATORY to wear any particular colour. What did you think would happen if you wore blue or purple - the wedding fashion police will come and arrest you?
2016-09-02 5:02 pm
there's nothing wrong with ignoring tradition on your special day.........
2016-08-22 3:03 am
you can wear any color you like... white has never been mandatory...
2016-04-08 11:38 pm
No, it is not. That is choice. White dresses were not even in style until about 200 years ago. Look at the Queens of England in history, they were in Jewel colored dresses. Blue, green, burgundy. White is fairly modern in the ways of the world.
2016-04-07 4:29 pm
Look online, and you can find some beautiful wedding dresses that aren't white. I've seen some that are very pale pink at the top, and by they reach the floor/train, they are nearly fuschia (almost purple). I'm sure you could find a blue one. White is usually for girls who've never been married, but it's not mandatory. Wear multicolored flowers in your hair, and you would be a gorgeous bride.
2016-04-06 11:58 pm
Sure. It's all your choice. It is your party. If you don't want a white dress, wear a blue dress. Haha. It's not mandatory at all. Do what you want.
2016-04-06 9:00 am
Where whatever color you feel best in! This is 100% your day don't let anyone dictate how and in what you spend it in.
The reason behind the traditional white dress was for it to pose as a symbol of the brides virginity. Personally I find the tradition degrading to women by dictating a women worth by her sexual experience, by presenting that publicly AND because there is no such symbolism for the groom.
In short I think a blue dress would be brilliant.
2016-04-06 1:47 am
Blue was considered the color of fidelity and love and was used for wedding dresses at one time.
Purple might not suit your coloring. It is a very strong color. Make sure you look good in whatever color you choose.
Or, if you are a Scot, wear plaid so you have a lot of colors.
2016-04-06 1:42 am
It is your wedding you wear what u want to wear. This is the day that you will look back on and remember. If u are not happy in your dress then you will not have happy memories of the day as all you will do is regret not getting the dress you really wanted. In hindsight we only get married once.. So make it the wedding of yours and your partners dreams that contains everything that represents you as a couple. If that means a blue or purple dress so be it!!!
2016-04-05 1:16 am
Do what you want! Im sure it will be beautiful :)
2016-04-05 3:55 am
There are no laws on what color a wedding dress must be.
I have seen blue and white bridal gowns whe we shopped for my daughter's gown 3 years ago.

Most bridal gowns- with trains do not come in colors. You may find a few in pale blue and pink.
If you do not want a train there are many options for a formal gown.
2016-04-04 6:34 pm

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