My ps3 plays all dvds apart from one???/:?

2016-04-04 2:33 pm
I was watching a DVD and it finished so I went to put in disk 2, it makes the loading sound then about a minute later it makes the sound of ejecting the disc but the disc don t come out until I press the button? I tried the disc in my dads DVD player and it works fine, I tried the next disc in the ps3 and works fine it won t play that one disc?/:

Anyone got any idea why this is happening?

回答 (4)

2016-04-05 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Some discs are too far off center and/or warped
for some players to handle.

The only real remedy is a replacement disc.
2016-04-06 5:04 am
One disc is messed up
2016-04-04 5:53 pm
It's your player.
2016-04-04 3:11 pm

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