my friend smokes tobacco out of a pipe 24-7 and claims its healthy. Is pipe tobacco better for you than cigarettes?

2016-04-04 8:45 am

回答 (13)

2016-04-04 8:48 am

though people who smoke pipes tend to get different cancers because generally they dont inhale to the lungs

more mouth and throat cancers
2016-04-07 12:23 pm
No tobacco is "healthy". Smoking a pipe is slightly less dangerous than smoking cigarettes because you traditionally don't inhale from a pipe. That's all.
2016-04-05 3:46 pm
Pipe tobacco tends to change the location of the cancer you are more liable to get. It changes from lung cancer to lip, tongue and throat cancer.
2016-04-05 2:28 pm
pleease don't ask off-topic questions in the beer, wine and spirits area...
2016-04-05 12:09 pm
NO. Tabacco is contains nicotine
2016-04-04 11:50 am
Inhaling any vapor besides air is unhealthy.
2016-04-04 8:55 am
Any type of tobacco is unhealthy. Anything being inhaled into your lugs that aren't meant to be inhaled is unhealthy.
2016-04-04 8:47 am
Yes they tend to get cancer in the gums and mouth eventually
2016-04-04 8:46 am
No. Pipes are terrible for you.
2016-04-04 8:50 am
Cigarettes keeps your lungs clean and throat, it also gives you a fresh smell. Big up

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