Don't know if I should wait till marriage to lose my virginity?

2016-04-04 5:00 am

回答 (140)

2016-04-05 1:44 am
Totally a personal decision. I know with women in particular, if you aren't ready, it's invasive and can make you feel bad. And everyone's ready at a different time, there's no set formula there. On the other hand, I personally can not imagine waiting - I was 14 when I lost my virginity to my first husband, and the only regrettable thing there was getting married too damn young (18). I'm not sure what your religious or spiritual beliefs are, but if you're ready, you're ready - do bear in mind that the risk of pregnancy and std are very real, so be responsible and all. Besides, I don't mean to be lewd, but you wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, would you? ;-)
參考: Life
2016-04-04 10:54 pm
I wouldn't (prepares for thumbs down) BECAUSE I take marriage very seriously. Unfortunately, not everyone is sexually compatible and if you plan on staying the rest of your life with someone it's so important that you know that you're in tune. You can't make yourself sexually compatible any more than you can make yourself fall in love and anyone telling you that sex in marriage doesn't matter as it'll soon dry up should be roundly taken to task for having such low expectations. Even if the sex goes with illness or old age a bond that started strong will remain strong.

I'm not saying that you should throw yourself at a stranger or have a bedpost notch contest, but before you commit to life you should find out if you're compatible.
2016-04-05 11:40 am
Well as long as you don't have sex with multiple partners you can enjoy sex with the one guy you want to be with be it before or after marriage...but if you want to sleep with multiple partners..then well that's a dark area...

Someone pointed out in their answers that you don't take a car without test drive..well then in their terms..we also don't want car which has been used by others..we always want a new car...

Now used doesn't only mean in the sexual sense but also in the mental and emotional sense..the past always haunts us especially in cases which affect are emotional well being...

Sleeping with multiple partner only shows that you are commitment phobic

That being said if you have got the right guy and you two are mutually exclusive then go for the sex... Just remember that the initial excitement will diminish but that's when the actual strength of your character will be tested..good luck..
2016-04-05 10:22 am
I always said I'd wait until marriage, I did and honestly it was the best decision I've ever made. The only down side is that it's hard to find men who haven't had multiple partners and sometimes it can get to me a little much when my husband brings up previous sexual partners.
2016-04-05 12:50 am
I always said that I would wait for marriage to lose my virginity , when I was younger. And for a while I was sticking to my promise. But sex is a curious subject. It all depends on your personal self. You aren't less of a women or a respectable person is you do decide to have sex before marriage. It can be a special thing with the right person, and again that choice of who is still up to you. Don't sell yourself short either. The best advice is to stay safe if that situation ever happens.
2016-04-04 5:06 am
I exchanged virginity with my first girlfriend when I was 15. We were in love, we were responsible and used birth control, and I have never regretted the decision. Casual sex is not a hobby of mine - I don't think it's worth it if there's no emotional connection - but once you have sex a few times you come to realize that virginity is overrated.
2016-04-05 3:18 am
If you do wait till marriage you may miss out on knowing how you feel sexually with your partner . sometimes you may find that the other person has less sexual desires or who may know if he has some wild fantasies that may be incompatible with yours. Better to know before marriage what you are getting into.
But always be safe take precautions and don't get pregnant.
Only negative is if you have sex and then later it does not work out between the 2 partners you feel much more of a sense of loss as compared to without having been intimate.
Enjoy it if you feel like doing it with someone you care for and like while it lasts.
2016-04-07 7:17 pm
Well here's what I can say from personal experience. It's not about me but a friend I have. She waited till she found the right guy she didn't necessarily wait until marriage but they did get married. now they have been together I'm going to say 4 years I believe but this guy treats her bad makes her clean the whole house while he plays video games. She recently had a child by this guy, but while she was pregnant he lost his job and he had no shame making her work during her pregnancy while he stayed home left the house a mess and didn't even care if she was sick or not. she even lost all her family because of this. Now she won't leave him because this guy was her first everything and it has her messed up inside. And since the guy knows this he tries to control everything she does. I used to live with these people and I regret it. I'm not saying this will happen to you. MY other advice to you is that I think it's a beautiful thing that you would like to wait till marriage I would say if you can handle it go for it. But you can also find the right person along the way. But also take in mind that if your willing to wait don't turn out to be like my friend make sure that the guy won't try and control your life just because you were his first everything. Also make sure that no matter what he will always respect you and be loyal. And I am very happy that you would think like this I know a lot of people don't think it's a big deal, but trust me it is. I'm glad you would like to wait and I would say you should:)
2016-04-05 2:53 pm
It's a personal decision.
There are come risks to having sex before marriage... Like pregnancy. Which can get very complicated when you are not married and then have to figure out what the baby's last name would be and figure out custody.
Just think about it seriously and make sure you're prepared
2016-04-04 11:56 pm
I know people who have and they did not regret it. People say "but what if you marry them and then you find out you are not sexually compatible?"... I think this is silly. 1) sex is not everything in a relationship and 2) as long as you and your spouse are wlling to work at it, sex will get better and better as time goes on.

I think if you want to wait, then wait! and dont let others convince you that you are weird for it.
2016-04-04 5:05 am
It is up to you. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do, but if you find someone you really care about and trust and feel comfortable around, then go for it. However if it goes against your morals (i.e. religion), then think about how you will feel later. It is nothing to be ashamed of if you do have pre-marital sex though.
2016-04-05 12:07 pm
I lost my virginity to my now husband when i was 21, knowing i'd marry him once i finished university. I wouldn't have given it to him if i didn't have the optimism of getting married and having children. This is just my personal opinion but i believe that you should lose your virginity whenever it feels right.
2016-04-05 10:21 pm
Honestly I think you should lose your virginity whenever the time is right. You have to feel that it's right. Don't force yourself to have sex because everyone around you is. If you feel completely comfortable and you care about the person you're with and they care about you, then do whatever you choose.
2016-04-05 8:09 pm
You should wait till marriage. Trust me: Once you commit fornication, every marriage street that will end in divorce. The reason why is totally spiritual, not physical. Check the marriage of any person who's committed fornication. They may even last ten years in a marriage but I guarantee they will not be happy.
參考: I have all the answers.
2016-04-05 5:55 pm
wait till youre married
2016-04-05 1:46 am
I believe you should wait until you are in love or with someone you think you'll be with forever
but it really depends on who they are
2016-04-05 1:13 am
Think of it this way. You or your partner accidentally gets pregnant. Are you ready to take care of that kid with someone that most likely won't be there for you and your child? And if you would be that father, are you willing to give up everything to be in that baby's life?
2016-04-04 1:56 pm
Loosing virginity before marriage indicates that you had sex with someone else. Your partner will get dissapointed when he come to know on the wedding night that you have slept with someone else and he is not the first person to sleep with you .Let your life long partner to deflower you .
2016-04-05 4:14 am
I waited. I wish I hadn't.
2016-04-05 8:42 am
If you are thinking of having premarital sex you should make sure that the person you are going to have sex with WILL BE your spouse. If ever something happens and you are no longer in a relationship, you will come across many particular people who only want to date virgins, and despise single, non virgins. In the future it will be very difficult to find love.
2016-04-04 11:30 am
wait till you marriage
2016-04-06 7:37 pm
Of course wait till marriage!! If you won't then you could regret and virginity isn't something you can just take back at any moment. Its better to wait when you have found someone your soul loves, and you finally spend that romantic time with him! It'll be better then what you have expected. Sex is a permanent bond between two! Being a bond so strong that if you try to rip it apart you cannot avoid the real pain and anguish and suffering. Sex is when you're wrapped up so close with another human being that you're not really sure who's who anymore. (For more info, read 'Loveology ')
2016-04-06 4:19 pm
Being serious: sex can be dangerous and somewhat of an imprudence but you shouldn't let whether or not you've had sex be a big part of your identity.

We're only young once and I really regret not having more sex while I could.

Marriage is about love not the physical side and if your past sex life makes someone not want to marry you then they are not worth dealing with.

Also, getting too hung up on physical stuff can make you more petty and jealous and less trusting with your partner which is never good.

It will help you feel ok with your spouse having had sex with other people. And trust me that is a good thing.
2016-04-05 9:38 am
Your virginity is something that is oh so special. If you don't decide to wait til marriage just give it to a man who you know loves you & you know you won't regret 5-10 years from now.
2016-04-05 3:25 am
Why do that? Life is short and sex is a normal thing. Why do people have to make it seem like it is a sin?
No man will judge you if you marry him and aren't a virgin and the one that does you shouldn't marry because he doesn't love you. Hello, we are in the 21st century.
2016-04-09 9:49 am
Definitely wait untill your married. Sex is for marriage only.
2016-04-07 9:14 am
the minute you have sex, you have to go in for pap smear tests every year, if you have sex it opens you up to obtaining cervical cancer, so unless you want your feet up on a holster in a doctors table with a doctor looking at your crotch, keep your virginity, till your married, and date some religious guy that has never had sex so you don't have to get your junk removed cause of cervical cancer.
2016-04-06 10:08 pm
That all depends on you if you want to lose your virginity or not. I'm 18 still a virgin in high school and soon to be in college. Heck, I'll be saving my virginity for marriage. Why? I want to be able to save myself for the one that I love very much and so dearly. If you plan on losing your virginity don't do it, because you don't want to be the only one who still haven't had sex yet. To me, I think you should wait. If you're uneasy about sex and losing your virginity and facing the consequences. You should really think about it to yourself. Ask the question to yourself and think about the pros and cons of this. Maybe that should help you at least. Other than that why not get some help from your siblings, close friends, and/or parents. You should know by now that if you want to lose your virginity, your doing it because that's your choice making. No one should control you the fact that you're a virgin and still curious. Ask yourself, "Do I really want to do this or not?"
2016-04-06 1:50 am
Depends if the person your losing it too is who you are gonna marry I most definitely would not marry a girl that had sex with another guy!! Buy hey that's just me.
2016-04-06 12:11 am
“Isn’t it better to give in?” you might ask. “After all, isn’t everyone having sex?”

Stop and think!

Fact: Not everyone is doing it.

True, you may read about high statistics. For example, a U.S. study revealed that by the time they finish high school, 2 out of 3 youths in that country are sexually active. But that also means that 1 out of 3—a sizable number—are not.

What about those who are? Researchers have found that many of such youths experience one or more of the following rude awakenings.

Distress. Most youths who have engaged in premarital sex say that they regretted it afterward.

A painting being used as a doormat
Engaging in premarital sex is like taking a beautiful painting and using it as a doormat
Distrust. After having sex, each partner begins to wonder, ‘Who else has he/she had sex with?’

Disillusionment. Deep down, many girls would prefer someone who will protect them, not use them. And many boys find that they are less attracted to a girl who has given in to their advances.

The bottom line: Your body is far too valuable to give away. Show that you have strength of character by obeying God’s laws against premarital sex. Then, if you do marry one day, you can have sex. And you’ll be able to enjoy it fully—without the worries, regrets, and insecurities that are so often the aftermath of premarital sex.—Proverbs 7:22, 23; 1 Corinthians 7:3.
2016-04-05 11:01 pm
You're the only person who would know if you're ready or not. It's your body, it's your choice.
2016-04-05 10:53 pm
It's generally a good idea, and really better to wait until marriage. But what if you never get married, even though you think, you want to? I suggest you wait. But, if by the time you turn 40 and older, you still want sex, but haven't gotten married, it night not happen, so, at that time, stop waiting.
2016-04-05 7:10 pm
2016-04-05 3:32 pm
Do whatever the **** you want! I can't stop you neither can the rest of Yahoo answers
2016-04-05 3:15 pm
up to you
2016-04-05 2:12 pm
You shouldn't
2016-04-05 3:38 am
This is for sure a question you need to ask yourself honestly. Remember that you only lose your virginity once, don't waste it on someone who is going to leave. Unless you don't care about that, then go head and bang him
2016-04-04 9:04 pm
Be yourself: and value yourself.
I have never met anyone who regretted waiting
2016-04-04 8:07 pm
Yeah,why not?Instead of that jerks,lose it with a guy who loves you,respects you,cares about you,stays with you forever...i am a virgin too.
2016-04-06 11:08 pm
Wait till marriage
2016-11-05 4:44 pm
the first time wait until marriage, 'cause it can change how you feel about yourself people shall lie and say it doesn't but it does it makes you insecure, if the guy loves you he'll wait if not usually he'll leave you when you get pg, or blame you for the hardships of adulthood and supporting a family which leads to divorce
2016-09-02 4:34 pm
life is no fairy tale... don't expect waiting until marriage to be like a nicholas sparks novel... albeit, if you place that much value in your ****/dick's purity then go ahead... the choice is yours but it's proper you be realistic, therefore you shouldn't be disappointed... there's no shame in either option... love shouldn't depend on virginity...
2016-04-10 9:10 am
Life is no fairy tale. Don't expect waiting until marriage to be like a Nicholas Sparks novel. Albeit, if you place that much value in your ****/dick's purity then go ahead. The choice is yours but it's best you be realistic, therefore you shouldn't be disappointed. There is no shame in either option. Love shouldn't depend on virginity.
2016-04-09 3:18 pm
Not "required" these days, but I highly recommend it !
2016-04-09 8:57 am
no... give it to me....
2016-04-09 7:11 am
Its time people start raining the bar and respecting themselves and holding their relationship to a higher standard. Wait. No matter what happens you wont regret it and if he/she is the one they will. Nick Cannon waited for Mariah and he will always remember the type of respect she held for herself rather it works out or not. Also, Ciara's fiancé is waiting till they marry. Waiting is respectful especially when you plan to spend your entire life with this person.
2016-04-09 1:23 am
I am doing that waiting til marriage no regrets since I feel sorry for some girls being used like sex toys n there is nobody cares for them. In my opinion sex should between lovers
2016-04-08 10:38 pm
2016-04-08 10:14 pm
2016-04-08 9:32 pm
Up to you
2016-04-08 7:37 pm
Marriage, for sure.
2016-04-08 7:13 pm
2016-04-08 3:49 pm
Oh just be a rebel
2016-04-08 10:13 am
Wait till marriage hunny, that's what I'm doing, I'm 18 and still a virgin, staying a virgin is hard sometimes but wait till marriage, that's what God wants us to do????????????
2016-04-08 4:51 am
just wait
2016-04-08 3:59 am
There's no penalty for not waiting, but if you feel that waiting will make the experience more sentimental then go for it. It's all your preference, I personally didn't wait and I don't regret it but that's me, your you so whatever choice you make just remember it's yours to make.
2016-04-08 3:56 am
No way.
2016-04-08 2:19 am
I waited for true love till I was 22, finally found it but sexually didn't know what to do, the girl got frustrated and saw me as " her little brother" I became suicidal then one night decided to lose my virginity to a hooker. Worst decision/regret of my life
2016-04-08 1:40 am
Bust your nuts. Sex rules.
2016-04-08 1:29 am
I waited until I got married. I was 27 and she was 22. She's the only one I have gone all the way with. We have been married 53 years now.
2016-04-08 12:42 am
Well, would you buy a car BEFORE test driving it? I think not.
2016-04-07 11:23 pm
If you want to have sex, do it. Virginity is a social construct made to shame women for having sex, so don't worry about keeping it. Your 25th time can be just as good or even better than your 1st.
2016-04-07 10:17 pm
If you don't know, then you are not ready now. It's up to you when to give up your virginity, just be certain you know why you are doing that. 1) Be certain it's not to a jerk. The guy's number should be one digit at most. 2) Be certain that if you do wait that will drive off a lot of the worse guys but also some of the best guys.
2016-04-07 9:10 pm
2016-04-07 7:06 pm
It's a personal decision. Society will tell you it's not a big deal to have sex before marriage. From experience I'll tell you that I think it kind of takes something away from that bond with your spouse. I can't quantify it or fully explain it, but it does.

2016-04-07 1:06 pm
i was 14 and i don't regret doing it that young
2016-04-07 12:20 pm
I would. You want to wait for the right person who loves you for you not your body.
2016-04-07 11:35 am
100% your choice.
2016-04-07 10:44 am
Yeah, don't do that.
2016-04-07 9:33 am
How old are you?
2016-04-07 8:48 am
ALWAYS LOOSE YOUR VIRGINITY BEFORE MARRIAGE! Your "husband" could be inexperienced, how would you like to spend the rest of your life with a man who sucks at sexual intercourse and/or has a tiny penis. You need to start before marriage other wise you will make the wrong mistake which can lead to divorce and unwanted kids.
2016-04-07 6:56 am
Up to you
2016-04-07 5:49 am
Virginity is a sacred property of girls.... But you can also give it(personal decision) to the right person at the right time...(after Marriage)
2016-04-07 5:25 am
Do it when you're BOTH ready.
2016-04-07 5:22 am
Definately not. My take on it is sex is a natural activity. Humans are the only ones in the animal kingdom that have sex for recreational pleasure. You wouldnt starve yourself all day for a lobster dinner tomorrow would you? By all means if youre not comfortable with it dont do it but youre missing out. I was 17 when i lost my virginity and it was mindblowing, took my girlfriend on a walk through the cemetary (its like a park surrounded by a forest up on a mountain-tourist attraction) and when we got to the top that overlooks the city we just started kissing and then started tearing each others clothes off going through the woods. It was something to be proud of, being in the wilderness, a natural environment and making a woman climax as a first timer. Got the scars on my back to prove it lol.
2016-04-07 3:57 am
I'm attempting to. My aunt is. My grandma is proud of her. I kind of think it's a wise decision, but it's your V-card, not mine, and it's your choice.
2016-04-07 3:20 am
You should only lose your virginity when your are ready , don't do it before you are ready , I made that mistake.
2016-04-07 2:05 am
I don't think you should wait until your married you should wait until your happy and in love and you care & trust the other person enough
2016-04-07 1:46 am
Definitely don't wait. Marriages fail for a variety of reasons and sexual incompatibility is one of them. You won't know unless you become physically intimate, you won't even know what you like for yourself until you become physically intimate.
2016-04-06 9:51 pm
2016-04-06 9:25 pm
why not wait until you retire
2016-04-06 9:20 pm
I would say wait but it's your decision.
2016-04-06 8:27 pm
Have sex bruh lmao it's your choice I mean if you have birth control and a condom or just do anal it won't matter
2016-04-06 7:44 pm
Wait till marriage.
2016-04-06 7:34 pm
Don't you need to explore
2016-04-06 7:32 pm
2016-04-06 6:58 pm
No. I say this because sex is a huge part of a relationship, if the chemistry isn't right, you'll be in for a long ride. But wait until YOU are ready. Don't get pressured into it.
2016-04-06 6:27 pm
Absolutely not, many people aren't sexually compatable and if you have already been married then it's late to say no.
2016-04-06 5:32 pm
You can wait as long as you want. You should only have sex when you feel ready to.
2016-04-06 5:13 pm
Just take a shower together, and take turns lathering up each other. You might slip and fall on his dick, but at least you could say it was an accident.
2016-04-06 5:04 pm
wait till marriage
2016-04-06 3:51 pm
Personal prefernece
2016-04-06 3:20 pm
That's up to you. Just know the other person you marry might not be a Virgin
2016-04-06 1:13 pm
I personally wanted to wait until marriage but while dating a guy a friend asked me 'would you have sex with him?' And my genuine answer was I don't know and she said if that was how I was feeling then maybe waiting until marriage wasn't what I really wanted. That stuck with me and as a result I didn't wait until marriage but I don't regret it in anyway.
So basically you will know in yourself if you feel like waiting is the best thing to do.
2016-04-06 1:00 pm
I suggest you get into cunnilingus and wait until after marriage for penetration
2016-04-06 12:51 pm
U shouldn't
2016-04-06 12:48 pm
Yes you should.
2016-04-06 12:19 pm
You should lose your virginity before you get married.
2016-04-06 12:08 pm
If I can do it all over again. I will wait and if you can't always use may feel you can trust someone but you can't when it comes to your body and make sure its someone who truly cares for you and who's not rushing you or just trying to get in your pants.
2016-04-06 11:44 am
I waited and there's no wrong answer.
2016-04-06 11:07 am
It is your call. Being an adult is not easy sometimes. But do be aware of AIDS , VD and STD's that are out there. Both parties need to use protection , or you & the person you had sex with will have something in common for the next 18 years if you-all like it or not.
2016-04-06 10:24 am
up to you
2016-04-06 10:13 am
Wait til you feel comfortable
2016-04-06 10:02 am
Totally a personal decision.
2016-04-06 9:57 am
2016-04-06 9:47 am
I would not prefer it but if it what she wants and he doesn't get that's not gonna work
2016-04-06 9:37 am
Fu©k anyone you can get your hands on.
2016-04-06 8:55 am
Its completely your decision. There is no right time to lose it. It all depends on the individual. If YOU want to wait and it feels right then do it.
2016-04-06 8:37 am
Whatever you comfortable in doing.
2016-04-06 6:47 am
I would but its up to you
2016-04-06 5:20 am
I would because then you are saving it for the one person who truly deserves you and truly deserves that experience with you
2016-04-06 5:05 am
That shouldn't matter. If you love the person, have sex with them. You might even get married that person.
2016-04-06 4:00 am
If your a girl you should. If your a man have sex when ever you want I lost my virginity to a hooker in Atlanta.
2016-04-06 3:56 am
wait til marriage
answerm ine
2016-04-06 3:21 am
How are you going to know if there's chemistry beforehand... Sex is spiritual too... An important aspect in the merging of two souls. Don't get it twisted
2016-04-06 2:37 am
Yes do it the right way and wait until you married
2016-04-06 2:19 am
You can have it before marriage just make sure you use a condom if you don't want to have a baby before marriage
2016-04-06 1:55 am
it is compleatly up to you no one can make this decision for you because everyone has different belifs and morals. in my opinion there is no harm having it before marriage if you use protection.
2016-04-06 1:42 am
I personally think u should wait till marriage

Before marriage
1. Some people may take having sex is just something fun
2. You only live once

You may decide to lose ur virginity after marriage.. because you will have to have sex with someone u love and trust but before marriage just have a gf/bf so that u can have experience.. you never know.. say if u just had sex with someone u love before mariage and they betray u.. what will u do? U won't be able to forget that person cos u just got intimate

U can choose to have sex after marriage as it allows u to decide who will be ur life partner. We all know bf and gf relationship doesn't really last but some may end up getting married which is positive. When u are marrying someone it means u have decided to spend ur lifetime with them

I wouldnt also recommend you to have sex before marriage because say if u had sex with someone and u marry someone else.. that someone else person may not be able to stay happy to know that u did it
2016-04-06 12:54 am
it it is around the corner,yes.
2016-04-06 12:15 am
no have sex now
2016-04-05 11:37 pm
Waiting is more rewarding.
2016-04-05 10:37 pm
No one should care apart from you so go with your gut and/or your penis
2016-04-05 10:15 pm
That is your choice. Whatever you choose, choose it because it is what you want. Never allow anyone to play head games with you, "You won't be a real woman until you grow up"- meaning that you are not real unless you put out.
When I was young, a guy tried the "If you don't put out, I'll tell everyone at college that we did so your reputation will be shot anyway. You might as well do it."
I don't let anyone else run my life. I told him, "If you do, I'll tell everyone that we tried and you are not capable. We'll see what that does for your reputation."
There are valid reasons for waiting for the man/woman with whom you want to spend your life and there are valid reasons not to. Choose for yourself and be certain you will never regret your choice.
2016-04-05 9:13 pm
Do what feels right
2016-04-05 8:44 pm
I'm waiting until marriage. It will be with the person I love and I wont be risking getting a lifetime disease.
2016-04-05 8:34 pm
That's your decision
2016-04-05 6:00 pm
Well, sure. I don't think Yahoo Answers is the way to go about it.
2016-04-05 5:59 pm
you should wait
2016-04-05 3:40 pm
2016-04-05 12:54 pm
find a nice guy.
2016-04-05 8:06 am
Whenever you're ready
2016-04-05 6:00 am
Do whatever you believe in, don't be forced to do something you don't want to do.
2016-04-05 3:20 am
don't do anything silly, else he will not marry you. keep yourself holy and blameless, Jesus loves you.
2016-04-04 11:45 pm
Are you a male or female?
2016-04-04 10:27 pm
No hymen, no diamond.
2016-04-04 9:03 pm
You probably should.
2016-04-04 5:09 am
yes you should it for the right guy...dont let just anyone use you for their pleasure and then leave you
2016-04-04 5:01 am
Well, If you are not sure about it that means you morally think its the right move but you are still not sure. I would say yes. Chances are you wont be dating the same guy forever.
2016-04-07 8:40 am
The first time wait until marriage, because it can change how you feel about yourself people will lie and say it doesn't but it does it makes you insecure, if the guy loves you he'll wait if not usually he'll leave you when you get PG, or blame you for the hardships of adulthood and supporting a family which leads to divorce
2016-04-05 3:58 pm
Sex is no longer a big deal. You want to express a life long commitment, unprotected sex. That is the true definition of love and trust, or complete and total stupidity.

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