Where can I find a decent man?

2016-04-03 9:16 pm
I was in a relationship for 7 years but we grew apart and ever since and before I really can't find a decent man that wants to care for me, love me, be their for me, support me and be kind. All the men I meet just want me for sex. What am I doing wrong?

回答 (4)

2016-04-03 9:32 pm
One: don't treat men as a commodity and Resource.
Two: work on your self it is the highest common denominator in your life and confidence attracts both sex's so don't be afraid to make the first move.
three: become more independent, only traditionalist's and abusers want house wife's.
Good luck...no one wants to marry since it leads to economic ruin.
2016-04-03 9:22 pm
Without more details it's impossible to say if you are doing anything "wrong" or not ----- from what I can see most people have lists or images or think age is important ------ there are "decent" guys all around you ----- the ones you ignore for whatever reason you don't even bother to talk to us ----- i suggest you ignore any image any list and as long as you are over the local age of consent ignore age ----- don't do anything you don't want to do all these other suggestions are interesting but if you don't feel comfortable doing them its a waste of time ----- don't fake enjoyment people can see that and if you are only doing something to meet someone why bother????
2016-04-03 9:19 pm
Take up volunteering; you will meet a wide circle of caring people.
AND will gain real fulfilment.
2016-04-03 9:18 pm
Go to places besides bars. Join a coed sports team or take a class. LivingSocial tends to have singles events too. Also, don't be so quick to get physical with guys.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:47:16
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