why are motorcycle riders so old these days?

2016-04-03 7:35 pm

回答 (13)

2016-04-04 10:03 am
Maybe all the young kids of today have been brain washed by
their ill-informed parents saying that riding a motorcycle is a death sentence.
2016-04-03 7:56 pm
Why are you such an inattentive idiot?
2016-04-05 1:20 am
Can't you come up with something more original to ask?
2016-04-04 5:08 am
Define "old". If 21 is old, then damn, you got me, I guess I'm an old motorcycle rider.
2016-04-03 7:59 pm
Wasn't old when I started but nearly 55 years later realized it won't be long before I am. LOL!

Smile and go enjoy the rest of your life.
參考: Riding/racing for 50+ yrs.
2016-04-03 7:35 pm
Fuq ypu
2016-04-11 6:38 pm
how about because some of us never stopped riding.
2016-04-09 6:41 pm
Because we were willing to learn to ride. That requires thought and obedience of laws (of man and physics) that many of the younger generation are incapable of or are too lazy to learn. If it isn't given free, they aren't interested. Besides, it requires being outside in the elements and cuts into video game playing time!

That was to see if people are awake. lol The actual reason is that some older people (primarily retired like myself) have the time to ride and to us, riding is a freedom that we have been doing for many decades. We ride for enjoyment and as a cheap form of transport and don't show off, or do stupid things on our bikes. Natural selection joins with the laws of physics to eliminate those who do wheelies and ride the zipper fairly quickly, which cuts down on the number of new/young riders. By the time you've reached my age, you are either a very safe rider or dead!

BTW: I ride a 400cc full dress cruiser. (rice burner) I don't like Harleys, or other big bikes anymore. Too big, terrible gas mileage and too much maintenance. My 400 can hold highway speeds all day and is heavy enough to handle wind, weather and road conditions while giving me twice the gas mileage of the bigger bikes and being easier to handle at any speeds from stopped on up. I don't need a 150 mph bike that pulls wheelies. My 110 mph top end is 40 more than I ever need to go and I can out accelerate any car if I need to. (even when traveling heavy on a long trip with the saddle bags full, and a duffle bag strapped to the sissy bar.) Anything more is simply wasted on me.
2016-04-06 10:39 pm
Because they have worked and have the money to afford a good bike, insurance and enjoy riding.
2016-04-04 11:44 pm
'Cause we just aint dead yet.
Keep on waitin'.
2016-04-04 1:54 am
2016-04-03 8:34 pm
Because you never see sport bikes?
2016-04-04 4:21 am
You must mean Harley riders. I think the reason the Harley appeals to older riders is because it is heavy and slow---like them!

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