who is voting Donald trump?

2016-04-03 10:41 am
Could you please tell me why? I don't understand how you can be cruel enough to vote for someone who will kick imagrants out the country as if they are trash, build a wall around mexico, and make a certain religion wear badges. I'm no American. I'm English. But from my perspective, it's not really a country of freedom if people can't be a certain religion without being shamed with badges. Nor is it freedom of imagrants are kicked out and if you are building walls. These are the reasons that the world is not at peace. The reasons why we can't all just live together in unity. I just don't understand.

回答 (15)

2016-04-03 2:45 pm
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He's an idiot.

Do his followers actually believe that he will build a wall to keep the Mexicans out.
2016-04-03 11:03 am
I am. I want my nation and life back. Trump speaks for Joe the Plumber, Joe Six-Pack and the Blue Collar, White Male. Trump defends our Military. He is for the National Rifle Association.
2016-04-03 12:48 pm
With out the things that Donald Trump is campaigning on (like the WALL) America will soon be destroyed. We all know it. The Muslims will destroy our culture, religion, and nation . Do not lie and say you do know this is true. We all know it. So without Trump America is doomed. That is the sad fact of what they have brought our lives to the brink of.
2016-04-03 10:44 am
Thank Bush for shoving American civilization back 150 years.
2016-04-03 5:06 pm
We do have laws as far as immigration.The ones who came here illegaly decided they don't care to follow our laws.Why should they be allowed to stay?Buliding a wall will help ensure people come here the legal way.
Attacks are happening all over the world and most of the time one religius group is behind all of it!Trump proposes to have them all be stopped from entering the U.S.for now until we can figure out something else.
I am not for lumping all people into one catagory but he is doing this as a matter of national security
2016-04-03 2:42 pm
Burglars are trash, buddy. Trump will triumph.
2016-04-03 4:05 pm
Donald Trump is not able to kick immigrants out of the country. He will not be able to build a wall and never said he would build it around Mexico, just on the US border. He would not be able to make people wear badges. Our President does not have that much power. Hillary Clinton will probably be President - God help us then. If Trump became President, I believe he would surround himself with experts, and then he would listen to them, unlike Obama.
2016-04-03 7:54 pm
You are wrong. Most people want to deport the 12 million illegals. Obama has been deporting criminal illegals for 8 years and nobody squawked except Latino groups. We have a fence that doesnt work, so a wall will be better, to keep drug dealing and killings on the other side of the border, and better security to stop terrorism.

The reason the world is not at peace is the British and American policy of competing with China and Russia for resources and influence.
2016-04-03 4:39 pm
Cranky uneducated frustrated chubby white guys who have no clue about how the world really is , really sad if you think about it.
2016-04-03 1:59 pm
If ICE and Border Patrol were doing there job, illegal immigrants wouldn't be living here, at least not that many. The laws are already in place that keep illegal immigrants out. I am all for immigration reform, but what Trump thinks is a good idea, is actually a very childish idea to a very solvable problem. Illegals don't actually want to come live in the US, they just need work. Work visas would solve a lot of problems. They could come to work for a time, and then legally go back to their country of origin. But all done legally. Everyone would be happy. Trump wants to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs just because the goose keeps quacking. Feed the freaking goose!
2016-04-03 7:54 pm
Maybe you don't realize how politics really work here. Every politician promises a few dozen things while on the campaign trail. Once one of them gets elected you are lucky if they actually do one or two of those things.

Trump knows he had no chance of building a wall. He knows he has no chance of making people wear badges. These are just things that he says to get people interested in him.
2016-04-03 12:02 pm
IF he is an advert for American intelligence and if there is a God then lets hope he helps save us from Trump sickness.
best wishes from the rest of the world
2016-04-06 2:47 am
2016-04-05 1:15 am
his cult members are.
2016-04-05 12:39 am
People who cannot face the prospect of Cruz or Hillary in the White House?
2016-04-04 1:01 pm
US trade policies have off shored jobs. As a result the middle classes are diminishing. Its into this anger Trump is tapping into.
Billionaires (example Koch brothers) and corporations (wall street, military manufacturers) who donate so generously to politicians expect their own agenda to be executed, above the voters. Trump being a billionaire is "not bought & paid for" by special interests.
US drug wars in Mexico have failed, and NAFTA has added to mass unemployment both in Mexico & US. People flee the chaos in Mexico for US. They work for a pittance, thus keep wages for US workers from rising.
Now corporations want TTIP.
Over half of US budget is earmarked for war! And yet fiscal accounting is non existent, with persistent demands for more money!
US after 1945 got 50% of global resources for a mere 6% of its population.
1991, even the fall of USSR didn't improve US prospects as anticipated. US is a declining super power. Keeping control of NATO, world bank, IMF, & dictating to the EU, is the price US pays to retain its super power status.
But as Trump points out internally US is falling apart.

Watched "Trump Exposes the Inconvenient Truth On Trade" on YouTube https://youtu.be/8xeIU-7nc60

Watch "Big Media Has Been Waiting For Trump Since 1987" on YouTube https://youtu.be/cjrqlWeRYs0

And those who think he is a self made billionaire.
Watch "The Real Reason Donald Trump Is Rich" on YouTube https://youtu.be/3dmV4sFe4Fo

Watch "AMERICAN DREAM DECLARED DEAD IN NEW HARVARD POLL" on YouTube https://youtu.be/hlg951BUoys

@16.43 explains
1. Racists
2. Those fed up with free trade.

Over half the US budget is marked for war!
Watch "Donald Trump slams NATO: I can live with breaking up NATO" on YouTube https://youtu.be/r8DvQAs1V_s

The American dream is dead.


2016-04-03 9:46 pm
I would deport English people with English like yours from England...
2016-04-03 7:36 pm
Those who want to bring on a full-fledged violent revolution...hippies....anarchists....'dozer operators, and so on and so forth
2016-04-03 6:33 pm
Grow up, child!

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