Why do some people act like men have a say in having children?

2016-04-02 7:30 pm
When only women get to decide if they want off their children or not?

Don't tell that me a man's consent to sex is his consent to having children. If that were the case, logical consistency would dictate that no woman should be able to abort a pregnancy resulting from consensual sex (because supposedly consent to sex is consent to having children, right?).

回答 (5)

2016-04-02 7:38 pm
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Whether anyone likes it or not it takes TWO to make a child.
If a woman does not feel the man she is having sex with is father material she should take serious precautions when having sex or refrain completely.

Keep telling men they have no rights when a child is conceived is it any wonder so many now play the role of dead beat?

Boo hoo us woman have the responsibility to be pregnant and give birth...how exactly is that any fault of males?
2016-04-02 7:48 pm
If you have a decent relationship with the woman you had sex with, she will listen to you - if you screwed her and dumped her - you should not have a say - you likely would screw and dump the kids too - right?

You can use a condom or get a vasectomy to prevent pregnancy you know - you have a say in that.
2016-04-02 8:09 pm
We do
2016-04-02 7:40 pm
Men do have a right to their offspring, equally as much as the woman does they made love too. Otherwise, we wouldn't have the battles in court over support issues. What people don't want to hear, is that neither person wants the child they created, and expect the rest of the people to pay for it being taken care of for them, in any way possible.
2016-04-02 8:29 pm
Men have no say in the matter between conception and birth.

That's just the way it is. You'll never change it. Wear a condom.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:47:18
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