Has anyone else had extreme exhaustion during pregnancy?

2016-04-02 6:04 pm
This is my second pregnancy and im 100 times more exhausted this time around

回答 (1)

2016-04-02 6:44 pm
Yes. I taught weight lifting fitness classes with babies 1&2 up into the same week I delivered, but with this 3rd baby it was much more difficult. I had to see my doctors PA because he was out for an emergency delivery and I expressed to her that I was a thousand times more exhausted than with the first two pregnancies, to the point of giving up my classes and having no desire to exercise on my own. I always had a burst of energy in the second trimester but not this time. She told me it was because I was "older" this time around (I was only 30). At the next appt I had blood work done and found that I actually had pregnancy induced iron deficiency anemia. It is worth getting checked if you feel the exhaustion is out of the ordinary and continues into the 2nd trimester. Take your prenatals. Good luck!

37 weeks #3

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