Need other teens to talk to that are pregnant or already had their baby?!?

2016-04-02 4:45 pm
I'm 14 years old, expecting on August 30. Hate all you want...tbh I don't care. I've been doing online, and ever since I started I have lost contact with ALL of my "friends". I have no one, and I was wondering if any teen moms/expecting teen moms wanted to talk? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

回答 (3)

2016-04-02 6:03 pm
Hi! I don't really feel comfortable putting out personal information on here. There's so many creeps on this website! But I'll be happy to introduce myself through direct message on Instagram. I have an anonymous account for my pregnancy @ourlittleblessing. (:
2016-04-02 5:10 pm
Instead of talking to randoms, talk to a teen hotline. Just google it.

Are you getting medical care? Taking prenatal vitamins? What's your plan for raising a child for the next 18 years.

Please don't look for advice from other kids. Look for advice from trained counselors -- call a hotline.
2016-04-02 9:20 pm
You need to get to get used to be alone. Your friends aren't going to want to hang out with you because you've got a kid and they just want to have fun. And guys will only use you for sex because they don't want to get stuck raising some other guys kid. So you need to learn how to cope with all of this on your own because that's what your future will be like.
This is why you shouldn't get pregnant at 14.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:46:36
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