乜英文唔係叫English咩?點解"蔡英文"叫Choi English又話我錯?

2016-04-02 3:33 pm

回答 (7)

2016-04-02 3:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2016-04-03 6:39 am
English Choi 蔡英文

錯在: 拿別人的名開玩笑, 作黑色笑話
2016-04-02 5:31 pm
Re:-Tsai Ing-wen,where her first name should be ing-wen, where her (-ing-) has the only connection with English.
(-ing-) is used to make the present participle of regular verbs:- walking, winning,
The Mainland China recognized to be Tsai Ing-wen (Family name, then first name which is claimed to be universally accepted. );
Her correct English name might be:-ing-wen Tsai;( first name, then last name.)
Hence:-English Tsai.
Or English Choi .
2016-04-02 4:24 pm
英文名字是first name先行,所以應該是English Choi
2016-04-04 10:29 am
2016-04-22 10:53 am
2016-04-03 8:20 am
咪玩啲低能嘢啦 !!

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