Does anyone else think Donald Trump is basically an American version of Adolf Hitler with a comb over. Only instead of Jews he ates Muslims?

2016-04-01 5:08 pm

回答 (11)

2016-04-01 5:11 pm
Could be possible.
2016-04-01 5:10 pm
You know, that's actually not a bad analogy. Hitler used the Jews as scapegoats for German's problems at the time. Trump is using Muslims and other minorities as scapegoats for US's economic problems.
2016-04-01 5:10 pm
Trump hates more than Muslims - his recent comments also indicate that he hates women.
2016-04-01 6:02 pm
i dont. but anything can be invented, and their are a lot of lies going on !
2016-04-01 6:00 pm
I don't think Trump is genuine about his beliefs. I think he just wants power. Not that that makes it better _in practice_, but Hitler believed what he said. Also frankly, Trump isn't as smart as Hitler, nor is he organized enough to run a country or an army.
2016-04-01 5:42 pm
No, but I think you are
2016-04-01 5:25 pm
Not even close. One really has to work hard to equal the fierce brutality of people like Hitler or Stalin, figures who were anomalies in the way they regarded human life as disposable. Trump is not in that category. I don't believe he has that sort of incorrigible barbarity.
2016-04-01 5:16 pm
Not hardly. Hitler was for a specific type of person to destroy the world. Mr. Trump has no concern for your color, but just wants to be great and you along with him.
2016-04-01 5:14 pm
Nope. Elect him and you just may have a new megalomaniac to add to the history books though and this time, you'll own him. Hitler was often cold and calculating. Trump just seems to be an unscripted loose cannon most of the time.
2016-04-01 5:09 pm
2016-04-01 5:09 pm

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