Should Christians be taking a strong stand against atheists today, like Americans once took a stand against Hilter?

2016-04-01 4:57 pm
To quote a movie I saw, all it takes for evil to win is for good people not to do anything at all. And I think it's pretty obvious to everyone but atheists what kind of evil atheism is, much like Nazi ism.

By the way Gods Not Dead 2 is out today. If you want to see atheists persecuting Christians, this movie shows how they do it.

回答 (169)

2016-04-01 6:57 pm
Where to start?

1. "Hilter" was a Catholic (by definition, Christian). The U.S. didn't take a stand against Hitler's genocide; we refused entrance to many Jewish and other refugees. When we joined WWII late, it was to stop Hitler's invasion of our allies. And, "Carl," you could not have been at the trial or execution of Hitler. He committed suicide with his mistress.

2. Should Christians be taking a strong stand against atheists? As opposed to what? Putting a religious phrase in the Pledge of Allegiance (in 1954) and on all U.S. currency (since 1956)? Requiring drug and DUI offenders to attend religion-based 12-step programs? Passing laws that restrict women s access to health care? Promoting creationism over science in public schools?

3. Should all Americans be taking a stand to support the Constitution, including the First and Fourteenth Amendments? Yes.
2016-04-02 10:49 am
Should Christians be taking a strong stand against atheists today, like Americans once took a stand against Hilter?

Atheists are not anything like Hitler. Nobody is sure anymore of what he believed, but the point is that he believed in Something, and used your religion to directly further his cause. Even the pope allied with him.

You can try to 'stand against atheists' all you want. Go ahead, it's a free country. That's not going to change anything. You still have no evidence for your deity. That's all that this ever comes down to. Whether you have proof of your god, or not.

For the past 220,000 years, theists have Consistently failed to provide evidence that their magical hocus pokus is anything more than hallucinations and made up BS. Until that changes, we will Always win the argument. Uniting together might've worked on Rome, but we're not Rome. You can't unite against logic. You either find a way to make your beliefs fit with reality, or you don't. It's that simple.
2016-04-02 1:43 am
Should Christians be taking a strong stand against atheists today, like Americans once took a stand against Hilter?

Get a life Pig. Whether you're actually Christian or not, the YA system is somehow rigged so your questions always appear on the Discover page and garner a lot of attention and answers. You're an attention whore, nothing more, nothing less.
2016-04-02 4:46 pm
"Should Christians be taking a strong stand against atheists today, like Americans once took a stand against Hilter?"

Hitler was a practicing Christian.

Edit for the commenters demagoguing my post: Hitler was indeed a practicing Christian (Roman Catholic to be exact), as was Josef Goebbels, Herman Goering, and many other senior members of the Nazi party. If you doubt this, go to your favorite search engine and do a search for the historical footage of Hitler receiving public "blessings" from church officials. Give the No True Scotsman B.S. a rest; Hitler was a Christian, deal with it.
2016-04-01 6:02 pm
What are we supposed to do? I am a Christian but I am not going to put all atheists in the same category as Nazis, that would be ridiculous. There are evil atheists and evil theists. Besides from openly speaking about our religion, there is not anything theists can do. You cannot force people to believe in something. I suspect you may be a troll.
2016-04-03 6:36 am
Should Atheists be taking take a strong stand against hypocritical Christians who do not practice what their religion has taught them like Americans once took a stand against Hilter?

there, fixed.
2016-04-01 7:01 pm
This is a legitimate question. I have read some of the things Hitler said about Christians and they are eerily similar to what atheists are saying today. Here are some example of what Hitler said:

“National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.... Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things."

“The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.... Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that’s why someday its structure will collapse.... ...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.... Christianity the liar.... We’ll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State."

“Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery.... .... When all is said, we have no reason to wish that the Italians and Spaniards should free themselves from the drug of Christianity. Let’s be the only people who are immunised against the disease."

I think the hatred of some atheists is truly a reason for concern, and it creates the worry that this entire nation will go downhill faster and faster. God save America.
2016-04-01 5:45 pm






Mo University Lecturer Atheist with degrees in Theology, Comparative Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion and Eng Lit.
2016-04-01 5:00 pm
The Americans joined the party late then jumped into the sack with those atheist soviets. Get your facts right.
2016-04-01 5:01 pm
i though christians were raised to be kind to thy neighbor and tolerant of people..
2016-04-01 4:59 pm
Oh, please elaborate how atheism is "evil". Last I checked we were a disproportionately small part of the US prison population
2016-04-01 6:15 pm
The Nazi's were Christian. It was secular humanists who gave you religious freedom. Now sit down and behave.
2016-04-01 4:59 pm
It's easy enough to shut us up, show us evidence that your god, or any god, exists.
2016-04-01 6:42 pm
NOPE. It's just society is moving on and realise that magic sky daddies, scientific inaccuracies in the bible and things like burning bushes that don't get consumed, talking snakes are all fairy tales, copied from one religion to another to another that became Christianity is utter BU*LSH*T! BTW if your a real Christian, Hitler was yours along with most NAZI's, not ours :)
2016-04-01 9:21 pm
Only a question like this could come from a theist. They criticise atheists, but if you really want someone to spew hate you need a theist.

Nazism and atheism are not related. Nazism and all fascist countries were supported by the Roman Catholic Church, a branch of Christianity. On the orders of the Pope the German bishops were required to pray for Hitler on his birthday up to and including 1945. Hitler was himself a Roman Catholic. It is true that he did not support Catholicism but he most certainly was not an atheist. What Hitler really desired was for some religion based on his own bizarre ideas and Norse mythology. He wanted to be in a similar position to the Japanese Emperor - a living god.

Nazism has nothing to do with the humanism and secularism that is promoted by atheists. If you want to make a comparison with the doctrines of Nazism you will find it much closer to home: in religion.
2016-04-01 6:45 pm
It sounds like you're running out of questions, pig. Why don't you try to live like Jesus said to live? Could you be a poe? I think so.

Oh, the U.S. didn't really take a stand against Hitler for quite awhile. In fact, there was quite a lot of anti-Semitism around in those days. It wasn't until pearl harbor that Americans started taking a stand against the axis powers.

But what's wrong with having the freedom to choose? I may not agree with some of religion's views, but I respect the right for them to have them. You don't seem to have that sentiment.
2016-04-01 7:23 pm
Well said, though you should at least mention some policies, such as:
-Removing secularism from schools, which means all teachers have a quota for referencing the Bible in their lessons, no matter how irrelevant it is in their subject.
-Banning the very act of evolution. Anyone caught with too much genetic deviation will be arrested, along with their parents. This applies to animals and plants too.
-Banning Linux, since the evil atheist Torvalds might have put a backdoor into it for the Atheist Agenda.
-Nuking the Bermuda Triangle, which contains the Atheist Evil Fortress of Doom
-Obviously, make atheism a capital offense.

Anyone who disagrees is either an evil atheist or a stupid hippie theist who likes to hug random strangers. FACT.
2016-04-02 12:49 am
Christians should follow Christ.

Apart from Him they can do nothing.

By the way the Americans did not take a stand against Hitler. They were dragged into the war by the Japanese. Quite the very reverse of today and modern times where they go around meddling in the affairs of others and making wars against everyone else.

Does your Obama think he is the Pope with his many pronouncements telling others what to do? or does he just think he is god?
2016-04-02 11:00 am
Now why would this even be in your thoughts. Since when is it Atheists are a threat to you?

I think your own beliefs thwarted by the fear and punishment in instills upon you is far more of a threat.

If I believe something different to you then, so be it, just as you believing something different to me.

As an atheist I have created nothing but love and harmony in my life and in those around me, this is using a 'belief' in myself and my fellow human beings, and have helped and aided thousands so far, for no reason other than, being nice.

Now I ask again, how am I a threat to you, with all the good I do in the world?

Another point... You're actually believing a film, that's scripted to catch people's attention for one purpose, to make money. Do you really think it could be truthful in its storyline?
2016-04-01 6:22 pm
Comparing me as an athiest as a Nazi it really stupid. You have the right to believe in whatever you want it's a free country
2016-04-01 9:30 pm
This atheist tries to live a good and moral life. What is wrong with that?

I don't share your belief in gods or, it seems, your hatred of others.

I am sorry you feel so bitter. Can we help you discover why and maybe find a way of dealing with it? You only have to ask. There are people out here willing to help if we can. It's what good, moral people do.

The only ways we differ in our philosophy and daily lives is that yours involves religion and mine does not. Your religion differs in some ways from all other religions. So, are they all right or all wrong? Either way, they ALL create divisions between themselves and others and I see that as not being in the best interests of humanity.

As an atheist, my morality dictates that I respect your right to practice your religion provided you do not seek to impose it on others. When you can back it up with objective evidence, you can even call it 'fact'. Until then, it is subjective belief. It would unacceptable if our Muslim brothers tried to impose their beliefs on everyone just as it would unacceptable for you to impose your beliefs on everyone.

If there is some fault in my thinking or my morality, please feel free to point it out.
2016-04-01 5:32 pm
I just wish that both sides would stop throwing stones at each other.

As a Protestant, I will give alms to any of my Atheist brethren as well as any Christian, or anyone else of any religion.

But for the sake of the Lord our God, spread Christ's message of love and acceptance towards ALL, instead of being hateful.

God bless.
2016-04-02 1:33 pm
The fact of the matter, Yes we should, but it will never be, because it is God will now that it is this way, because God has unloosened the chains that where bounding Satan for 1000 years, and that 1000 years is up and now that man of sin, Satan is ruling in all of the churches and in the world, that is why everything that once was right is now wrong, I will give you examples, traditional marriage it is no longer accepted in most places, you are looked down upon or a bigot, because you are not a homosexual, that is just one example, there are thousands of examples that Satan has been loosed upon us, because Satan wanted to be like the most high God, so God granted Satan, his wish to rule in all of the churches and the world, until the end of the world, if you really want to know how Satan works just look how he twisted all of God words of the bible and said that God is a liar, but no God is not a liar, Satan is the liar, Satan has been the liar from the beginning of the world, and Satan will be a liar until the end of the world, when God Jesus Christ comes back to judge the living and the dead and too destroy the heaven and the earth by fire, the second death, where the heaven and the earth shall be burned up, by the hell fires. Everything is going by God word and the prophecy, that is why it is happening. Read Isaiah 9:6 read Revelation 18:4 read Matthew 24:15 read 11 Thessalonians 2:3-4 read 1 Peter 4:17 read Galatians 5:17-23
參考: King James Holy Bible
2016-04-02 5:45 pm
1) Atheists aren't looking to hurt, kill or ill-treat anyone. We are no threat to anyone at all.
2) How can you possibly 'take a stand' against atheism? You can't force anyone to believe. The problem is that in 2000 years, no-one has ever produced a single shred of evidence that a god exists. I mean - why should we believe it? It makes no sense.
In my long life I’ve never, ever, seen, heard, felt, thought, sensed, or been told anything whatsoever to make me think that a god exists. And even if I had, I wouldn’t waste my time or energy worshipping the jealous, insecure, vengeful, narcissistic, impotent, violent, unfair, selfish, indecisive, capricious god described in the bible.
2016-04-01 8:09 pm
So, you want to do for atheists what Hitler did for Jews.
2016-04-01 6:53 pm
I hate feeding the trolls.
So, I'll just leave you with this:
參考: Now, provide a deity. Send it over to my place for dinner so it can prove itself to me. Free Thinkers are here to answer your religious questions with intelligence, wit, and sarcasm to steer you on the path paved with logic and reason
2016-04-02 12:19 am
During WW2 Germans were overwhelmingly Christian, 54% considered themselves Protestant and 40% Catholic, at the same time Jewish refuge's were denied entrance to the US.

If it hadn't been for America the war in Europe would have lasted a lot longer. The fact is that America was forced into it by Hitler when Hitler declared war on the US (2 years after the start of ww2.)

2016-04-01 10:02 pm
Comparisons between atheists and Hitler, could it be...? Yep, it's Pig.

Atheists are not evil just for existing. But, if they choose to commit some evil acts, then yes, we should stand up against that.
2016-04-01 9:41 pm
What a foolish suggestion. It sounds like you have never heard of the US Constitution

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

The Establishment Clause was written by Congressman Fisher Ames in 1789, who derived it from discussions in the First Congress of various drafts that would become the amendments comprising the Bill of Rights. The second half of the Establishment Clause includes the Free Exercise Clause, which guarantees freedom from governmental interference in both private and public religious affairs of all kinds.
2016-04-01 5:52 pm
You should see an historical documentary. Hitler had his fans here. Live and learn.
2016-04-01 10:21 pm
Funny. Many atheists think the same thing about Christians. I mean, you talk about the Nazis, but Germany was and is a Christian country. I know I keep throwing the Spanish Inquisition at you guys, but it was people who thought they were good men, doing what they thought was right. After all, god was on their side. Shall we talk about the witch trials and the greatest work of evil ever printed - Malleus Maleficarum, or Hammer of Witches. How about the crusades? The pope decides to get rid of all of those knights who are mooching about Europe and making the place untidy by sending them on a pilgrimage, with a guarantee that they will get out of hell free if they liberate the holy land and that all of their sins will be washed clean once the Jerusalem is in Christian hands. I mean, are you really telling me that it was a surprise when the crusaders killed every man, woman and child in the city in order to liberate it, before looting the place dry.

The thing is, you can quote that "Evil exists as long as good men do nothing", as much as you like. But true evil is committed by people who believe that they are doing good and have a cause to fight for. I mean, look at the news. Suicide bombers walking into a school and killing christian children. Do you think that they would do that unless they thought that they had their gods blessing, or that they were doing the right thing? And now you have it if for another group of people who don't believe in the same things you do.

Want to know what evil looks like? Mirror.

2016-04-02 11:13 am
You are right, but your aim is wrong. Atheists are not the problem. It is the AntiGod and it is here, right now and it is already too late.

Since you are acting as a spokesman for all the genuinely concerned Christians I can assure you that the beginning of the Great Persecution is well under way. Many will face a choice - call it the tribulation where Christians will have to make a choice between joining the lost or suffer. I have already seen this in my own country.

For those who have wisdom, it is not a hard decision since these things were all spoken of through the Word. There is no other way, all other paths lead to even greater calamity.
2016-04-01 11:37 pm
Germany took a strong stand against atheists after they elected Adolf Hitler. You need to study your history a bit more.

If you're not playing POE, you'd have been the type person who would have eaten up their propagandizing in Europe in the 1930's.
Too many people use Hitler as a comparison to anything they find repugnant and try to make a fallacy of extension, this kind of abuse diminishes the danger of the types of propagandizing that the Nazi party employed to create the most repugnant episode of modern history. But primarily what I see when I see people in denial that he was a professing, practicing Christian, there are too many who try to avoid hard and ugly truths by other fallacies of extension that are even more harmful to us because they leave those who ignore these hard lessons vulnerable to even more evils. I also believe that those who teach a false history are dishonoring the level of sacrifice and courage that the Christians who DID stand against his regime should be remembered and honored for so doing. Those who twist history in denial are those that most disrespect the righteous of your co-religionists who stood against the Nazis.
Far too many Christians are in complete denial that Nazis were overwhelmingly professing, practicing Christians, not just Adolf Hitler. They will deny this saying that those who insist Adolf Hitler was a Christian, in particular a Catholic, is only an attack on either Christianity or Catholicism.

I'm really tired of seeing the history revisionist claptrap that the Nazis and Hitler were anti-religion or that of the millions of Christians who lost their lives that they were targets because they w ere Christian. Any and all Christians who were victims of the Nazis were because they either weren't supporting the right "flavor" of Christianity or because they recognized how disgustingly the Nazis were misappropriating the more antisemitic passages of the New Testament to justify their atrocities and gain allegiance.

Hitler was rabidly anti-atheist. He killed atheists because they were atheist. He did not kill Christians because they were Christian. The Christians killed by the Nazi party were Christians who were against his goals and abuse of Christianity. They were not killed for being Christian.

It is repugnant and harmful history revisionism to claim that the Nazi party was anti religion and persecuted Christians for being Christian. The Nazis, whose greatest political rivals were the "Godless Communists" and whose Party Platform had a position clause directly supporting "Positive Christianity" used religion as one of its most important tools. Of the 9 highest ranking Nazi officers all were practicing Roman Catholics save one.. Many of those later converted to the Nazi attempt to "join the two Great Confessions" of Protestant and Catholic under the German Evangelical Christian church.

Prior to this stated attempt to unite Catholics and Protestants, the Catholic Church had NO opposition to the Nazi party and made a Concordant with Hitler. Bishops sent him official birthday greetings and blessings every birthday from the time he was elected Chancellor of Germany until his death. That is evidence against another claim often made by one of the Top Contributors in Yahoo, that he had been excommunicated. Nazi soldiers wore "Gott mit uns" (God is with us ) on their belt buckles. To become an SS officer one pledged to God and to Hitler.

Thank God not all Christians embraced the Nazis and their ideology, but there were so many millions of Christians across Europe who DID.

The Allies who won World War 2 were also overwhelmingly Christian in their religion. Despite the fallacy that there was no Jewish resistance to the Holocaust, sheer numbers alone tell us that it is a certainty that Jews would not exist today was it not for the sacrifice of millions of Christians. I would not be alive today if it were not for the actions of millions who imperiled their lives in battle and many who lost their lives in doing so. At the same time, we cannot forget or try to cloak that it was the silence, and complicity of millions of others that had placed the Jews in the genocide in the first place.

Please read the rest of this essay here.
2016-04-01 8:31 pm
No, freedom of religion laws allow people to be atheists, at least in the free world.
2016-04-01 6:37 pm
The question is utterly daft.
2016-04-03 7:07 pm
Atheism isn't evil. The lack of belief in any gods. Why is that evil? Christianity has caused billions of deaths, Atheism has caused none. Christianity slows down advancement, Atheism doesn't. So if anything Christianity is the evil.
2016-04-02 11:52 pm
Hitler was a Christian who thought he was doing Gods work
2016-04-02 5:30 am
Nazism is rooted in Christianity.
2016-04-02 1:57 am
God's Not Dead 2? You mean that anti-atheist, Christian propaganda film that fakes Christian persecution and in-turn discriminates against atheists?

Hitler was Christian by the way, lol.

Holy ****, you Christians are the biggest wastes of life on the planet.
2016-04-01 5:37 pm
I don;t acre about atheists. i wouldn't know one unless they told me they were one and that hasn't happened in my 56+ years
2016-04-02 2:18 am
The only religions Christians should take a strong stand against is Islam. Atheists and Christians may not have many things in common, but both sides disagree with Sharia Laws. They should work together against that.
2016-04-01 5:07 pm
2016-04-01 5:06 pm

Hitler was an animal lover and vegetarian.

He had a pet pig called Bertha... it would play with Blondi and Bella in Der Fuhrerbunker.
2016-04-01 5:08 pm
I fought in World War II and was personally there at Hitler's trial and execution
2016-04-03 12:10 pm

this is the problem .... americans getting their history from movies...hahahaha. you never won the war... russia did!
2016-04-03 3:32 am
The exaggerated sense of persecution and fantasy of evil many Christian sorts like you seem to adhere to is disturbing, as well as disheartening as far as considering the state of humanity.

The really stupid thing is the fact that even if they don't agree with your beliefs, even if they think they're silly and ridiculous, maybe even to some degree harmful to society in some ways... many atheists would still protect your right to have your beliefs (even if we discourage the bad parts... like things to do with discrimination).

And yet... you fantasize that you're a victim and we're some kind of Hitler. That is pretty messed up on your part.
2016-04-02 7:43 pm
The best argument against religion is a five minute conversation with your average religious person. Dont remember where i read that quote, but it has proven to be true time and again.
Religions in general are the roots of "evil" on this planet. Any organization that promotes an elitist mentality, distrust and contempt of all others that arent just like you, and dangerous, deliberate misrepresentaion of fact to teach children proven nonsense is true evil.

So yeah, worry about atheists, while your children think moses rode a dinosaur out of egypt, mine will be developing medicines to save lives.
2016-04-02 7:43 pm
NO ! Freedom of Speech ! It's in our Constitution ! Religious fanatics don't know how to rule a country ! It's been tried through-out history; Didn't work !
2016-04-02 5:34 pm
"The way americans took a stand against Hitler?"

You mean after supplying the Nazis with weapons and sitting on your fat, lazy arses while other people fought, died and almost starved to death until pearl harbour?
2016-04-02 4:27 pm
Hitler was deeply spiritual and religious.... so..... I think you have it backwards.
2016-04-02 3:20 pm
Should "CHRISTIANS" be taking a Strong stand against atheist today like "AMERICANS " once did against Hitler ?

Was it ONLY Americans that took a stand against Hitler one is trying to make some correlation between the word "AMERICAN and CHRISTIAN " I can present a Correlation between "SOUTHERNERS or Pro Slave Americans and SEGREGATION Laws the majority of them being CHRISTIANS " as in the CIVIL WAR and the 1960's

One would have to agree that at the time of the Civil war the religion of the vast majority of the SOUTH were Christians Does being Christian make you RIGHT as in CORRECT in all your actions ? Apparently Not then again the The religion of the vast majority of the Northern Americans were also Christians

. If one then takes a long look it was really about ECONOMICS MONEY POWER and Control the south wanted FREE LABOR PROFIT and did NOT VALUE HUMAN RIGHT and tried to use the Bible as a JUSTIFICATION the NORTHERNERS many also Christians and other religions were concerned with HUMAN RIGHT the actual behaviors of how you VIEW and Treat other HUMAN BEINGS Not about a Jesus or a god was not the issue It was called MORALITY and Human rights

. Back to Hitler the Country and the People of the USA entered the war against Hitler Late in the game Europe was battling Hitler for years the USA actually passed Several NEUTRALITY acts to avoid participation it is not until JAPAN attacked the USA and the USA declared War against Japan that NAZI Germany declared War against the USA ...1941 Might want to review some History actual documented history

. Back to the word AMERICANS the term for people who inhabit and are citizens of a country / Nation called the united states of America . so one will agree by definition an AMERICAN is a Citizen of the United States either by BIRTH or application .American is not dependent or characterized by your language skin color customs sex beliefs occupation religion or non religion

.One needs to define "CHRISTIANS" if one means the Christian RIGHT Evangelicals a political group who have attempted to HIJACK the term Christian they are NOT the Face nor represent ALL Christians I suggest you clarify the Christian right makes up 40% of the republican party white Evangelicals . there are still another 60 % you must contend with

. Americans are Atheist Hindu Buddhist Muslims black white brow tan male female speak french Italian German polish Spanish .most any language on the planet any ethnicity or culture there is a statue in a harbor "Give us your tied your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free given to the USA by the french people in 1886 as a symbol of unity for FREEDOM from a DICTATE and formulating democracy and a Free and INDEPENDENCE victory of the American CIVIL war and end of slavery

..The Movie who paid produced and wrote the movie god is Not dead 2 ..... Do you know the term CONFIRMATION BIAS and also the word FICTIONAL . no that movie is not in the catagory of DOCUMENTARY MOVIES it is scripted a STORY as in FICTIONAL the writer can present it as they want it because they make up the scenario an IDEA a point of view Projected just as gods are projected concepts .as are bible stories

Questioning and evaluating Religion is Not PERSECUTION defined as the SYSTEMATIC treatment of someone CRUELLY to oppress or harass with ILL treatment to inflict upon them harassment ISOLATION IMPRISONMENT or INTERNMENT FEAR or Pain are all factors even so the treatment or "suffering" must be sufficiently severe . expressing an opinion or objecting to something is not cruelty nor severe or suffering
2016-04-02 12:22 pm
I think the world would be a much better place if we all took a stand against religion. But again, religion only becomes a problem when the adherents allow it to rule their lives. Believe in what you like, but accept that it your belief not mine or the majority.
2016-04-02 11:23 am
This sounds like a rally call to turn Christianity into something like Isis.
2016-04-02 8:32 am
2000 years you lot have persecuted everyone who doesn't believe. You have terrorised the world on a blood soaked crusade to prove that your imaginary friend has got the biggest dick. So no how about you take a stand against the paedophiles in dresses who rape kids and then have it covered over by the higher ups the take a stand agains the systematic abuse perpetrated by "holly" men. I can't prove that your imaginary friend doesn't exsist but the burden of proof lies with the ones making ridiculous claims and as more people are educated you will find more and more atheists about. Stupid people believe stupid **** and as the number of stupid goes down so does church attendance. Your god is dead just like the thousands before him so you know what be happy in your ignorance but some of us need better answers then god did it some of us can't stand idly by while your evil organization just does what they want. and Hitler was one of yours not one of us
2016-04-02 7:39 am
To do this isn't difficult at all. First get rid of education; get rid of school and make education illegal, get rid of science; physic, biology, and all other studies, get rid of modern architect, get rid of all books and just keep one book the bible, get rid of computer, smart phone, close down all business, get rid of modern medical study, get rid of medical science, close down all hospital and so people can graze herbs, just get rid of everything, go back to live in primitive lifestyle in order to worship god. Oh one more thing ban sex because it is a sin. If sex cannot be banned then sex must be done with conductor watching. I am sure that people will be very pure like idiots. Lets name this era idiot era.
2016-04-02 6:21 am
let's not forget Hitler was the religious one...
2016-04-02 5:41 am
Actually religious people are far more likely to commit murder and other terrible things. You're awful to even suggest this is a good idea. Leave people to believe whatever they believe, as long as they're not hurting anyone, they're good people and that's all that matters.
2016-04-02 2:20 am
I think we atheists (or, secular humanists, that's the term I would prefer) have overcome religions and are more advanced in our thinking, believe it or not. It is hard for a human being to accept that there is no god and no life after death, and it takes a strong brain to get that notion, but evolution has equipped us with all that's necessary, so there is no reason for anyone to stay religious.
2016-04-02 12:43 am
this is why Christianity is losing.....
2016-04-02 12:37 am
You need atheists, or your religion would die. Without them attacking you, you would have nothing to give remembrance to your thought pathways. The best way to end religion is not to oppose it in deed or thought. The best way to dissipate anger is not to attempt to be free of it. The best way to be yourself is not to try to be.

All religions go extinct eventually without exception.
All species do to.
2016-04-01 9:53 pm
Sure, do this. Atheists will then have a clearer idea of which Christians deserve to be ridiculed.
2016-04-01 7:11 pm
Oh my, another passive-aggressive lightweight desperately lashing out!
2016-04-03 2:38 am
No, because they would look like hypocrites.
2016-04-03 2:25 am
2016-04-02 9:30 pm
You need to learn a bit more about history.

Hitler came to power in 1933. He started invading countries in 1938. The isolationist U.S. did not enter the war until it was forced to at the end of 1941 when Japan, an ally of Germany, attacked Pearl Harbor. Are you calling this a strong stand against Hitler?

That said, Christian evangelization happens one heart and soul at a time and not by force.

Proselytism has come to mean the use of unfair and coercive methods, --that is to say, those which apply pressure--to convince a person to leave his/her religion and join another.

Evangelization, on the other hand, is giving witness to God as revealed through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit in a simple and direct manner. It includes the renewing of humanity, witness, explicit proclamation, adherence with the heart, entry into the community, acceptance of signs, and apostolic initiative. It means to carry the good news to all areas of human life and through its influence transform from within and renew humanity itself, but without pressure.

Christians should evangelize, not proselytize.

With love in Christ.
2016-04-01 8:02 pm
Hitler was a Roman Catholic, by the definition required by the Vatican to be a praticing Roman Catholic. His early speaches against the Jews where pretty much Catholic teachings at the times and remember that it wasn't until (sic needed) 1958 that the Catholic church "forgave" the Jews for their part in the death of Jesus.
As for the US taking a stand against Hitler, (Oswald Mosely and gang had their heads kicked in in Blighty me old fruit) they joined WW2 in 1941, 2 years after the UK and France had declared war against Germany.
As for your idea that Christians "Taking a strong hand against Atheists etc" it's not Atheists that are destroying your country, it's pillocks like you that are.
2016-04-01 7:57 pm
Hell yea
2016-04-02 10:48 pm
What do you mean by "take a stand"? The situation with Hitler and Americans is totally different than any stand concerning Christians and atheists. Any stand today involves spiritual warfare and the declaring of God's Kingdom. ( (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5; Ephesians 6:15) 2 Timothy 2:24-26 --in part: "A slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all,...". When on earth Jesus Christ, spoke of a time when God’s love of justice would no longer allow him to tolerate the present-day evil we see. (Matthew 24:3, 36-39) As he did in the Flood of Noah’s day and in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, God will soon take judicial action to rid the earth of selfish, wicked men, paving the way for peaceful conditions to exist under his heavenly Kingdom rule.—Psalm 37:10, 11, 29; Daniel 2:44.
2016-04-01 4:59 pm
They think in the ways of men, that's for sure.
2016-04-01 5:06 pm
No, it's not worth the effort, as our atheist friends, the walking dead, are a disproportionately small part of the population of the USA.
2016-12-03 5:18 am
well said, though you should at least mention some policies, such as:
-removing secularism from schools, which means all teachers have a quota for referencing the bible in their lessons, no matter how irrelevant it is in their subject...
-banning the very act of evolution... anyone caught with too much genetic deviation shall be arrested, along with their parents... this applies to animals and plants too...
-banning linux, since the evil atheist torvalds might have put a backdoor into it for the atheist agenda...
-nuking the bermuda triangle, which contains the atheist evil fortress of doom
-obviously, make atheism a capital offense...

anyone who disagrees is either an evil atheist or a stupid hippie theist who likes to hug random strangers... fact...
2016-11-05 1:42 am
where to start?

1... "hilter" was a catholic (by definition, christian)... the u...s... didn't take a stand against hitler's genocide; we refused entrance to numerous jewish and other refugees... when we joined wwii late, it was to stop hitler's invasion of our allies... and, "carl," you could not have been at the trial or execution of hitler... he committed suicide with his mistress...

2... should christians be taking a strong stand against atheists? as opposed to what? putting a religious phrase in the pledge of allegiance (in 1954) and on all u...s... currency (since 1956)? requiring drug and dui offenders to attend religion-based 12-step programs? passing laws that restrict women s access to health care? promoting creationism over science in public schools?

3... should all americans be taking a stand to support the constitution, including the first and fourteenth amendments? yeah...
2016-04-05 5:25 pm
Well if it takes three years which is what it took for the yanks to get off their behinds....despite the fact it was a WORLD WAR, we've got time to gather up some WMDs and ......
2016-04-05 11:41 am
thats stupid because there are so many other non-christian sects besides atheism so really you'd have to make a war on all religions which is like totally unnecessary. americans spent so much time and money defeating hitler. so now we're gonna spend a **** load of time and money defeating non christians?
2016-04-05 2:50 am
I think us atheists need to take a stand against uneducated christians like yourself. You grew up in a society where you believed everything you were told and never questioned anything. I would recommend for you to grow as a person you should strive to learn more about other religions and even question your own. Once I went down this path I found myself as an atheist who was no longer ignorant about my religion. I have respect for all human beings but a person who isn't willing to question their religion won't due so out of fear. Some christian philosophers question their religion and still come back to Christianity.

The Holocaust was caused by christian fundamentalism. Google it.
The crusades killed tons of Muslim men children and women.
Don't get me wrong This society needs Christianity so small minds like yours can process good from wrong.
I don't believe in most religions or any form of God. That makes me a bad person?
2016-04-05 2:25 am
To cut to the chase many Atheists are good, moral people. There is freedom of religion and freedom from religion in the US Constitution ie separation of church & state. I say live and let live. What about war on Neo NAZIs and other hate groups? They are the enemy not Atheists. As long as anyone is not a danger to others then there not be a war against them.
2016-04-05 2:20 am
no for these are two different situations and you must be so uneducated not yo know the difference
2016-04-04 11:52 pm
god is like the honey badger. he dont give a fuckkkkk.
2016-04-04 11:41 pm
Atheists don't have a logical position Christians can argue in opposition to.
2016-04-04 11:16 pm
So you would be willing to kill inocint baby's bc they don't even know what religion is so that pretty much makes them atheists .... Wow
2016-04-04 10:08 pm
Last time I checked Christianity's list of murders and atrocities far outweighs the Nazis and Atheists put together. I think you've go things backwards.
2016-04-04 9:45 pm
First of all, Atheists should absolutely not be compared to Nazis, Atheists did nothing wrong. Secondly, Atheists, like myself, HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG. You have no need to take a stand against them, even though it goes against your religion.
2016-04-04 6:35 pm
What a stupid question and it doesn't make any sense.
2016-04-04 4:52 pm
Thats funny. America had to be cajoled into making a stand against Hitler.
Pearl Harbour was the catalyst for America to enter WW2 in....Dec 1941!
2016-04-04 4:17 pm
2016-04-04 2:55 pm
The situation is completely different.

Jesus and the early Church did not stand against pagan/atheistic Rome, which was much worse than anything we have today. However, as God has put us in a democracy, many Christians (some Mennonites/Amish excepted) believe that it is not only allowable but our duty to use lawful means, as well as prayer, to influence the state of our nation. This influence should be directed at impersonal laws and should be through the normal political process, not by trying to force any individual atheist or atheists in general to change their belief(s) under duress. We do not live under the laws of ancient Israel. Jesus himself never forced anyone to repent, but gave people a choice to believe in Him or not.

As for Hitler, the United States as a sovereign nation entered the war after Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan, not after Hitler took power or invaded other countries. At the time, most Americans knew little or nothing (other than perhaps rumors) of what was going on in isolated camps. In fact, I believe that many soldiers were shocked when they entered and liberated some of the concentration camps. True, there were some Christians, such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who plotted or even attempted to kill Hitler, but this is problematic theologically and we have to leave these decisions to these people's own consciences. The stand against Germany & the Axis powers was an act of war, which is different than purposing to kill an individual, even one's enemy.
2016-04-04 2:45 pm
No it would be pointless. People have to come to Christianity, it can't keep forced upon them. "He that has ears let him hear."
2016-04-04 7:21 am
Go study history a bit more before you make a fool of yourself again.
2016-04-04 7:04 am
No. Jesus is our role model; he was peaceful in everything; therefore we should be too.
2016-04-04 6:37 am
Hitler committed horrifying crimes. Most atheists do not do that. If an atheist is doing no harm, there is no reason to take a stand against him/her. No harm in talking to them either.
2016-04-04 6:18 am
No. Christians should be standing up for GOD against the workers of iniquity that hides under the cover cast of the Department of Justice to disannul the Judgments of GOD, so that they may appear righteous by framing mischief by a law to make a man an offender for a word.
2016-04-04 5:30 am
Its you with hate in your heart. Not us.
2016-04-04 5:28 am
what an odd question, considering that Hitler and the Nazis were a Christian political movement...
2016-04-04 4:00 am
Christian scum should go fvck themselves, you stupid piece of sh!t.
2016-04-04 2:47 am
Hitler was putting people in ovens, not a fair comparison
2016-04-04 1:12 am
the kind of things you are spouting are turning people against religion. leave it alone and practice what you're supposededly preaching. btw, hitler claimed to be christian.
2016-04-04 1:05 am
no. muslims behead people, atheists do not.
aloha snackbar
2016-04-03 11:44 pm
stop asking, goofball.
2016-04-03 10:01 pm
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

True believers of Christ know that fighting against unbelievers is a waste of time. Believers should never be fighting for someone to believe in the first place. People have free will to believe what they wish, that includes unbelievers.

Who are we to try to relentlessly persuade others to come to Christ, we have no power to. The Holy Spirit is the only one that brings others to repentance and salvation, not us.

It irritates me when some fool tries to MAKE others believe in Christ. No one MAKES others believe, or has the right to FORCE their beliefs upon them.

Instead of Christians taking a "stand" on unbelievers, Christians should be showing others the forgiving and accepting love our Father has us.

True honest believers in Christ will never foolishly bicker back & forth with those who don't believe.
2016-04-03 9:29 pm
This is a stupid question and just highlights the wally brains who believe in this stuff
2016-04-03 9:25 pm
No -- that was an all out military war.

There will always be atheists until the last day, then "every knee shall bow".
2016-04-03 9:10 pm
Look to your religion first which is run by Paedophiles and child abusers. There are 4,00 paedophile priests in the Catholic church and the Christian Church. All the Church does is to apologise for this. Young Boys lives ruined by the Teachers of the bible. Now you know why I am an Atheist. !!!
2016-04-03 7:39 pm
I say we should burn the aethist for thinking diffrently. Duh god created the world how would u describe the bible. They are controlled by satan to make the world not full of good christian pepoel
2016-04-03 6:58 pm
Seems to me you should get an education.
2016-04-03 6:31 pm
Americans took a strong stand against Hitler? The f*ck they did! Anyway, why should Christians "take a strong stand"? They should merely be loving the atheists and teaching them by example. "Belief cannot argue with unbelief, it can merely preach to it." Perhaps if some 'Christians' replaced faith and belief with mere dogma, they would win converts. Being 'right' doesn't work. That's why most of the buggers ended up in America. Europe got rid of a large proportion of its religious bigots.
2016-04-03 5:43 pm
If you're trying to make the comparison to Nazism because atheism has an ism, then let me remind you about theism. Christianity, Judaism and Islam is theism. So if ism equals Nazism then by definition so does theism.
2016-04-03 5:42 pm
I'm a christian well not the best but I do belive and worship Jehovah, Jesus the holy spirt. I think you get the point.
But I feel that many Christians are to ready to jump on someone else's belive when they aren't to sure about theirs.
yes we should worry but we should makes sure our faith is strong before we jump on someome and what they believe or not belive. But it's our on opinion. Your own answer might make a difference good luck.
2016-04-03 4:11 pm
There are more atheists around the world than Christians so it would actually be a good idea ????????... Not.
2016-04-03 12:29 pm
Atheists are not criminals
2016-04-03 9:56 am
There is no record of atheists indulging in mass slaughter because of their beliefs. Religion is irrational.
2016-04-03 9:02 am
God loves the world. The salvation that Jesus completed is to safe everyone who believe. Even the atheists may against God today, who can tell that one day they repent and believe in God?

Be patient and share the gosple with atheists.
Hilter case is not just atheists, but the crimes he committed is far too serious!
2016-04-03 8:45 am
what a stupid idea you need to get a Life there is No Comparison between Atheists and Nazis

the Nazis Bombed me for 5 years in London

Atheists don't wear badges so it is Difficult to know who is an Atheists
2016-04-03 8:43 am
The Bible says Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so you need to pray for them to be delivered from this and speak the word of G-d to them. I have helped many people know how to become a Jew or Christian. You pray then speak the Word to them. Jews have to see Jesus as crucified. Let G-d decide who He wants to become His children and pray for these lost souls so they do not end up in eternity in fire and brimstone and they do not beleive in Satan and He likes that.
2016-04-03 6:11 am
Correction: "Should christians be taking a strong stand against atheists today, like hitler once took a stand against the jews?"
2016-04-02 11:35 pm
Nice Troll question! Thank you, and thanks for playing!
2016-04-02 11:08 pm
God isn't ******* real get that through your head all you Christians do is throw your religion down other people's throats stop being dicks
Hitler killed millions of people atheists quietly sit there not believing in God. It's a free world people have freedom of religio they don't have to believe in the mythical God
2016-04-02 11:05 pm
You er... Didn't 'take a stand against Hitler'. In fact, America decided not to join in the war against Hitler, and it wasn't till 1941 that the Japs got round to sinking your ships and you found yourselves at war.
2016-04-02 10:16 pm
2016-04-02 10:14 pm
no, they should take a strong stance against whats false doctrine and whats not.. then drink some strong coffee and try waking the fk up.
2016-04-02 10:04 pm
so you are comparing atheists to hitler when in fact hitler was a born christian, and for historical reference hitler declared war on the neutral US (in europe that is)
2016-04-02 10:03 pm
mr. hitler and non-believing atheists are not the problem with christianity today. we have a religion that wants to be king; and a government that wants to be god. problems with the idea of wisdom and compassion have plagued christianity its entire existence. apparently, most of the current application of christianity lack compassion completely, and lack humanism, focusing entirely on POWER, power over people.

the religious right has started to affront the majority of society on three major issues: [1]religion vs. science, [2]. religion vs government, [3]religion vs truth.

the religion vs. government: recently, some catholic nuns were saying that they felt a moral obligation to force their religious views on others; while many good christians passed laws restricting bathroom use because they were afraid of gays using the rest rooms where they do. so, the ultra-conservative protestants were not far behind in attacking american democracy.

it seems a little late to say it, but the 98% of the country is already christian. this where "christianity vs. truth" is most active. the reasoning is that there is a true religion, yet christianity has about 6000-different religions in the USA all declaring theirs to be the only truth. when they get over themselves, then they might have a religious debate to establish the truth of christian religion.

religion vs. science is self-defeating since most religions have absorbed science into their religion (sociology or psychology) and only claim it is their religion. the others, like evolution-deniers' seemly wish to ignore the facts of life, like that would prove the truth of their religion. too bad, they wish to replace science with creationism in our schools. falls far short of intelligent science.

when you have 98% of the people being christian in the community, then 98% of the crime in the community is christian-on-christian. who are we trying to protect ourselves from, the 98% of the community that is christian. we probably need more police.
2016-04-02 9:00 pm
They should just do what the Holy Spirit tells them to.
2016-04-02 8:29 pm
Absolutely. Christians should stand up for God. All of us have a duty and that is to serve and obey God. Atheists are spreading hate and evil when all we try to do is spread peace and equality.
2016-04-02 8:21 pm
2016-04-02 7:58 pm
2016-04-02 7:55 pm
Dear Friend,

We live in a dangerous day and age. And there is a real threat against our way of life in America. and yes, it is Islam. And for those who do not know what it would mean to accept Sharia law in the USA, let me share this with you:

Of all legal systems in the world today, Islam's Sharia law is the most intrusive and strict, especially against women. This is a medieval, barbaric culture that cannot coexist in a 'civilized' society.
According to the Sharia law:
• Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah, the moon god of Islam is punishable by death.
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (per Muhammad's words in Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
• Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be Halal.
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
• The list goes on.

2016-04-02 7:30 pm
And Muslims think you should be crucified and beheaded, so that's religion for you. You think you're righteous and all others evil. Muslims also think this. Xtians used to torture and burn people alive thinking they were destroying evil. But isn't your religion peaceful? So is Islam. You can't see yourself correctly, neither can they. Are you god, the judge and jury or isn't hell enough punishment? Aren't you supposed to love others and pray for them? So are Muslims.
The belief that you have 'knowledge' of what is good and evil is the fall of mankind.
Xtians mistranslated the Jewish TaNaKh, added hell and evil beings, and replaced a nation/Israel with a mangod whose named honors sus. What else would Greeks write about but their god?
You would write about jesus, Muslims only about Allah, ancient Greeks about Zeus. A sad story about a mangod doesn't make it true. Movies that make you sad doesn't make the story true.
參考: Since there is no hell, salvation cannot be from hell, xtianity teaches a false salvation.. Just as other false religions, xtianity is fruit (denomination) of good and evil mythology) from Babylonian mythology. The TaNaKh tells us the definition of demons (Deuteronomy 32:17) is imaginary gods, not evil beings of mythology as xtians interpret. Israel is the only OBEDIENT son, not only child, only OBEDIENT nation and Gentiles are disobedient children of God. Only Jew or gentile. Time to wake up! Mg umbel yourself and accept your mortality, be good because it's good for the world, not because you think you can bribe God or stay out of hell, but because you have good character. There's only God, he does everything. Nothing evil but mans lies and delusions. ex-xtian
2016-04-02 7:10 pm
Depends on what you mean by strong stand. A strong spiritual and political stance yes/.
2016-04-02 7:02 pm

Approvh me at the mall, follow me and call me an idiot for telling you i am not intersted, find yoursef in the hospital.
2016-04-02 4:31 pm
"Gods Not Dead 2", huh? Judging you from this and your previous rants, you're just as good at proper punctuation as you are at being a good Christian.
2016-04-02 3:53 pm
us atheists are just people likle you only we have different beliefs,and what about all the persecuting christians have done in the last two thousand years?and dont tell me they havent
2016-04-02 3:44 pm
Not really because, we have to love thy neighbor, plus they are against God not us, so let God take care of business, in Armageddon.
2016-04-02 3:32 pm
Not take a stand against them - but love them so much that we must and have to spread the 'good news' # The Gospel.
2016-04-02 3:13 pm
What led you to the conclusion that Atheism is in any way a threat to Christianity, the trick is that neither side needs to convert the other. While our beliefs are diametrically opposed, put them aside and we can with some goodwill and forbearance, cease this aggressive and stupid claptrap, celebrate our differences and join together towards a better world.
2016-04-02 2:18 pm
who is hilter?
2016-04-02 1:59 pm
Oh look. Godwin's law.

(Henry Ford wasn't the only American to think well of the Austrian short-a**e.)
2016-04-02 1:24 pm
I'm more of a G1:4 person than believe it got so bad with such a serene beautiful amazing blue sky that Jesus would have to turn up. I'm more Unjesus than Jesus type of person. That tracking back to G1:1 thing... You know Beverly Hills, Star Trek, Christmas IA, The Best Form, I even #hashtagbelieve my hair will grow back from being ripped out from angry poison etc.. Cupider.
2016-04-02 1:04 pm
Americans took no real stand against Hitler until one of their allies (japan) attacked pearl harbour. same in ww1. they only joined after the Lusitania was sunk. the American government are selfish towards the people of their own country but focus on foreign policy oddly enough which makes no sense. they start wars with vulnerable countries but wimp out on big wars until they are affected
2016-04-02 11:20 am
Why don't you believe what you want to believe and let others do the same?!
2016-04-02 10:41 am
Not comparable.
2016-04-02 9:24 am
Jesus already has made clear how his followers are to various circumstances. Study what is recorded as to what Jesus said regarding how his followers are to act up to the point of Jesus's physical return to earth.
2016-04-02 8:42 am
If other atheists, start killing and torturing people that are different, I will be there with you and other like minded people of faith (IE) Canadian and Australian faithful and none well if we don't have to wait for the equivalent of Pearl Harbor!
2016-04-02 7:45 am
Are you kidding me, if your a Christian why don't you follow what the Bible says (Mark 12:29-31) Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
(Matthew 22:37-40) He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.”
If you prefer another Bible(KJ) Mark) 29 And Jesus answered him,
The first of all commandments is, Hear O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30 and thou shalt love the Lord with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
Matt) 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Did Jesus have your attitude when it came to those that did not listen to what he said, NO.
This would be the same attitude governments take when they try to make other countries be like they are. The Catholic church did the same back in the dark ages, they imprisoned or put to death any that did not agree with the church, American was settled with those that went against the church!
Force your belief down down their throat's, you would be no different than the pagan Isis!
2016-04-02 6:43 am
Yes, we definitely should, but not a violent one.
2016-04-02 6:08 am
2016-04-02 4:05 am
"All it takes for evil to win is for good people not to do anything at all"
Perhaps you should take a stand against something that is actually evil. This world is full of battles worth fighting. Some people are to deluded to realize that atheists are the ones doing something about it. Whilst the religious are either killing infidels, or praying for it to stop. In order words, being evil or doing nothing.
2016-04-02 3:14 am
"religion" was, and IS yet needful for "disobedient and gain-saying (contradicting and opposing GOD) people", who would "rather have a man than GOD, speak to and rule over them"! (Romans 10:21, Acts 7:51, Exodus 20:19, I Samuel 8:4:21)

And history has revealed, and continues to reveal, that multiplied BILLIONS have been killed and enslaved(in physical chains at times, yet primarily in the chains of strong delusion that are the commandments and doctrines of men) in the name of the god(s) of this, or that religion! (II Thessalonians 2:10-13)

Proving the fruit of death and enslavement are bore of religion's way,
for life is but a pawn in the wicked game they play!

Come out from among them and be separate!" (II Corinthians 6:17)

ALL religion....... (Except the Active Faith of James 1:27)

Yes! religions that preach pacifism (aka: non-resistance) as well, for their chains of "strong delusion" are stronger still! II Thessalonians 2:10-13)

Yet because of pagan catholicism and her harlot christian daughters, "The Way of TRUTH is evil spoken"! (II Peter 2:1-3)

And YES! atheism is a religion as well, the religion of self ("I",ego,id,pride) worship! So it is that atheists see their version of a 'god' each and every time they view their reflected "image".......

TRUTH IS! The "Born Again" brethren of The Messiah will have naught to do with religion, for they have REALized that we have our portion !NOW! in "The Family of Our FATHER and GOD which IS in Heaven and ON EARTH"!

"A Household of Faith" indeed and TRUTH! (John 3:3,7, I Peter 1:23, Ephesians 3:15: 2:19, Galatians 6:10), Romans 8:14, Galatians 4:6, Philippians 2:15, I John 3:1-3)

So it is "the Born Again sons of Our FATHER and GOD" choose to remain but "aliens and pilgrims while yet on the earth"! (Romans 8:14, Galatians 4:6, Philippians 2:15, I John 3:1, Hebrews 11:13, I Peter 2:10-11)

2016-04-02 3:09 am
Yes. A stitch in time saves nine.
參考: own
2016-04-02 2:10 am
What did Jesus Christ do
2016-04-02 1:23 am
Get a freaking grip, we athiests accept your beliefs so you should accept us that don't, theres no need to draw attention to religous differences, how un-christian like you are, same with all the other 'christians' commenting
2016-04-02 12:53 am
Americans didnt take a stand against hitler

hitler forced them to fight by declaring ware against them

the problems in the US aint caused by atheists, they are caused by stupid theists sticking there head in the sand and refusing to face the fact that the world is advancing and leaving them behind

their answere to this? - stick their head deeper in the sand
2016-04-01 7:09 pm
i triple dog dare you to try.
2016-04-03 2:18 am
don't know i'm 7
2016-04-03 1:58 am
the true jesus is the mexican working at walmart. go to walmart to see the real jesus.
2016-04-03 1:23 am
Oh my devil.
2016-04-02 2:06 pm
Only the atheists that are bad and try force other people to believe like them.
2016-04-02 11:50 am
Yes, of course, they are so damaged
2016-04-02 7:27 am
No. Atheism is one of the most genius social controls ever designed. These people are selfish, mean-spirited and ambitious. Believing in nothing keeps them from causing trouble. The last thing you want to do is introduce a crooked atheist to spirituality. They will not practice it in a loving, peaceful way.
2016-04-02 12:51 am
No, we have no right to try to push anything on another person. What have they done to you? Would you want to be treated that way because you were trying to live a good life? I feel like you are thinking of doing a really foolish thing. I bet your parents have no idea that you are being mischievous to the worst extent? Aren't you going to be embarrassed in a couple of years. What if that sent you to jail? Would you look back with remorse if that was found out and it kept you from a great job that paid $25.00 and hour? Please think about this before you make a fool of yourself.
2016-04-01 10:43 pm
Atheist are waiting on the God they don;t believe in to destroy them. ALL IS GOOD.
2016-04-01 9:26 pm
You've got to think what is wrong in this world and what is right.

Do you think it's right to not give people a choice in their own life and life decissions?

Do you think it's right to go up to a stranger and tell them they have got to do something because you say so?

Unfortunately people have rights to make their own choices. If you choose to be religious, good on you. If you choose not to be- equally good on you. It is wrong to try push another into doing something they do not want to do. It's wrong to manipulate and it's wrong to judge another human being just because they don't always agree with you.

Take care
2016-04-01 8:25 pm
I am not an atheist. However I do not mind people proud of being atheist if they are honest and open about it. In fact I appreciate their honesty. I would hope that they change their mind or lessen some part of their beliefs though.
2016-04-03 3:02 am
I don't think taking a stand against atheists is the solution its about taking a stand on our beliefs. Atheists have trampled and taken God out of schools out of public domains throughout history its what christians do to maintain their beliefs. Are we going to do nothing when a baker refuses to bake for a gay wedding ceremony or a pastor is forced to marry a gay couple when he doesn't want to. These are instances when Christians are persecuted in America.
2016-04-02 6:47 am
Christians should always stand a firm ground against atheists who pretend that their is no God but in their heart they quite well know the living fact.
2016-04-01 8:17 pm
2016-04-01 7:33 pm
1. We need to. We need to stand up and obey the word of God and speak out for what we actually believe. I am tired of college culture, pop culture, and entertainment culture deciding whom we are then telling clergy of any church who and who can't go to church and is welcome. Everyone is, but "the catch" is you have to let your sinful evil self learn to die everyday and do something to follow Christ everyday.

2. International culture and politics is controlling things too much for consumers and everyone at large and it seems like things are getting crazy.

3. It can endanger the planet and human life eventually, since it is a self-destructive belief system and so many pagan and other "false religions" by Christian standards.

4. It is hurting the economy and our educational system. Even through on paper it makes sense, the reality is the Judeo-Christian belief system our country started with initially was much better. Children need to hear God in their hearts telling them "They can do it" and "to go for the dreams he sends them."
2016-04-01 5:56 pm
Good point.
2016-04-01 5:34 pm
Atheist's harm only themselves. Their views are of no consequence to others unless we become hesitant to defend our faith.
2016-04-01 5:27 pm
I believe we should stand up and fight for what we believe but standing up against an atheist is really moo point as long as satan is in the world to deceive. there will always be atheist as long as there is satan...

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