Should I pay for general health Check even i have insurance with Kaiser Permanente ?

2016-04-01 2:52 pm
i recently had a general health check from a clinic. I didn't consult with my insurance that is Kaiser. I took an appointment and directly went to the clinic and checked up. i didn't asked for bills as i thought it will be paid by my insurance. But my friends are saying that the clinic will send a bill later to you .Will that clinic send bill to me or Kaiser? and what if they send a bill to me ? what is the procedure to pay?Should i Pay? Please help me

回答 (9)

2016-04-02 2:53 am
✔ 最佳答案

Kaiser pays in full only if you go to a Kaiser facility. If you go anywhere else, then Kaiser will not pay the entire bill, and you will have to pay something.

The clinic should send you a bill, but they might not. You must pay even if you don't get the bill. If you don't pay on time, then it is sent to collections and your credit is ruined for the next 7 or 7 1/2 years and cannot be fixed or repaired, even if you pay.
2016-04-01 2:55 pm
If you visited a clinic that was outside of the Kaiser "network", they will send you a bill.
Should you pay?
Of course you'll have to pay. You received a service and you need to pay for that service.

If the clinic was inside the network, then you need to contact Kaiser to see if they plan to send a bill to you and what, if any, portion of the bill will be covered.

All Kaiser insurance is not the same. What is covered for someone else may not be covered for you.
2016-04-01 4:32 pm
that was stupid to do if the clinic is not covered by your insurance - you always have to make sure the doctor accepts your insurance, otherwise even just a simple office visit can cost you $200 vs maybe $15 - you are supposed to have a Primary Care Physician picked out when you get the insurance
2016-04-01 6:03 pm
If you did not supply your Kaiser details to the clinic, how would they know who or how to bill for your services? If you didn't check to see if they were in your kaiser plan, and it turns out they are not in that plan, you are fully responsible for the bill.

Yes, you arranged for the services, and accepted the services, without checking to see if they were covered. As a result, of your actions, and stupidity, you may be charged more than if you had gone to see your regular doctor. In the end, learn the lesson that all insurance is not universal, it is not a right - but a privilege that you need to pay for, and pay attention to where it can and cannot be used, what it covers and what it does not.

Ignorance is not a valid excuse. You had the work done, you must pay for the services.
2016-04-01 3:05 pm
Why are you asking strangers here? Ask your insurer - as you should have done beforehand.
2016-04-05 6:21 pm
You made a mistake. Kaiser is an exclusive HMO program that provides coverage through their own private network. You should have called them for the check up appointment and it would have been done at their facility and covered.
2016-04-03 2:25 am
No, Kaiser does not pay for you to go outside of Kaiser except in an emergency when there is no Kaiser nearby. You will get a bill. You are a member of Kaiser and are not covered elsewhere. Of course you have to pay the bill, or it goes to collection agency.
2016-04-01 10:40 pm
I went to an out of network practice that refused to even scan my insurance card so the service would show on my EOB and be credited to my out-of-network annual maximum. I paid the full cost of the office visit up front, $210. Then as I was leaving they suddenly asked to see my card again and scanned it. When I asked why they wouldn't say. I let them scan it. A full year later I get an EOB from my inusrance company showing the practice as "out of network" and they paid them the "in network" rate. So I ended up overpaying. I later got a refund check for the ammount of "overpayment". I called the insurance company and they said it happens quite often. The out of network practices still bill the insurance after receive full payment up front and basically invest the overpayments for a year before refunding them. It's the usual capitalism in healthcare ripoff.
2016-04-01 7:24 pm
if you gave them your insurance card, they'll first bill your insurance, then bill you for any balance.

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