how bad would a burn be if someone went into a burning house to get someone, and the room was only partly on fire?

2016-04-01 1:26 am
sorry its really specific,I'm trying to write something for lit. class.

edit: the person would be in pajamas, probably boxers, and a t shirt, the flames would be coming majorly from the right side of the room, he was walking parrellel to the flames but about a foot away, looking for someone in the room, finds them after about a 45 seconds to a minute, no explosions.

回答 (2)

2016-04-01 2:06 am
They would probably die of smoke inhalation before they got bad burns.
2016-04-01 1:35 am
It depends on lots of factors:
Type and length of clothes they were wearing, intensity of the flames, how quick they were, distance from the fire, whether anything exploded whilst they are inside.

Typically if the heroic person survives the mad dash inside to grab a victim and they are burned, it can be anything from 1st to 3rd degree burns. Fourth degree burns of course means they didn't make it back out.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:45:25
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