Is a phd professor considered an expert?

2016-04-01 1:06 am
I have an assignment and my sources need to be experts. Is a paper a phd professor wrote ok? Thanks

回答 (3)

2016-04-01 1:08 am
A PhD Professorial source should be fine and very reliable.
2016-04-01 1:07 am
I'd say so, if the paper was on a subject that reflects his academic speciality. For instance, a PhD professor in history wrote a paper on the French Revolution.
2016-04-01 1:38 pm
Only in the field and specific area of that field they work in. A paper I wrote in astrophysics is from an expert, but not one I wrote in psychology.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:46:48
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