would will 點用 worth it 點解?

2016-03-31 3:32 pm
would will 點用 有咩分別
同埋worth it 點解
形容詞 名詞?? 完全唔明

回答 (1)

2016-04-01 1:37 am
will:-used as an auxiliary verb of the future tense:-
eg:-if today is Sunday,tomorrow will be Monday.
would:-used to express wishes:-
eg:-Would that it were otherwise,I would have pass the Exam.
eg:-Would to God that I had not agreed the marriage !
eg:-Would that they were safe home !
eg:-The place where she would be is Lan Kwai Fong.
eg:-Come whenever you would wish.

worth it:=predicate adjective:-
=having a certain value; of value equal to:-
eg:-I paid only HKD 10,000 for this Doctor Degree, but it's worth it(=worth much more.)
eg:-It's not worth more than 10,000 pounds for this Picasso Painting !
It's not worth it !

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