I hate my dad!!!!!?

2016-03-31 2:01 pm
He hasn't had a job for 4 years now, since 2012, and everyday he goes fishing with his friends and doesn't do much around the house. And today, he purposely tried to "fix" the car again. When I say again I mean that he's done it around 3 times for the past 3 years, and this is the 4th time in the 4th year. So, the first year... We had a $3000 used car, it kinda looked like a acura 2004, but not that brand. And he said he was gonna "fix" it cause it made a sound, well when we bought it the sound was already there. (When he says "fix" he really means he's gonna take it apart and see how much he can break just so he can go buy another car cause he doesn't like this one at the moment) So basically for the past 4 years he's "Fixed" 4 cars... and cars can be expensive.. but he doesn't have a job anymore, he isn't the one making money, my mother is the one making the money so my dad doesn't give a single f*** about how much he spends! Do you know how hard my mother works for the money?!!? She works 19/7, meaning that everyday she works 19 hours, and usually only gets around 5 hours of sleep! Does my dad care?!!? Not that much as long as he has a roof on his head and is fed, and has someone to verbally harass (my mother) everyday. Don't give me any of that "Let your parents talk it out" Lectures. Cause when they talk it out, my dad's the one who always wins cause he yells the loudest, and we're all petrified of him...

回答 (4)

2016-03-31 2:04 pm
So whats your question? or did you simply come here to rant?
2016-04-05 11:49 pm
not much you can do about it unless hes being abusive and then you can call cps
2016-03-31 2:35 pm
Don't give me any of that "Let your parents talk it out" Lectures. That seems more of a disrespectful demand than a request for ideas and advice. Maybe better to ask nicely and describe what it is you would like prom us.

Your parents are adults and make their own decisions. I don't get how your mother works for nineteen hours and sleeps for five. Does she not eat? Travel to work? Housework?

How much help do you give your dad?
2016-03-31 2:05 pm
If he is how you describe then just leave his sorry no good *** and file for divorce.

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