Which name is prettiest?

2016-03-31 7:12 am
Indiana (but would really only be called Indy)


回答 (11)

2016-03-31 9:14 am
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I think Indiana is cool. I prefer Indigo, myself, but the nickname is still Indy/Indie! Which is awesome.
2016-03-31 11:41 am
2016-03-31 12:57 pm
Indiana is kind of racist since it's about "Indians."
2016-03-31 10:53 pm
Stella but Phoebe is good too
I don't like Indiana, it's too locationy
2016-03-31 5:46 pm
I like Stella
2016-03-31 1:15 pm
Dont like any of them, they are old fashioned names and Indiana is ok if you are from India
2016-03-31 1:06 pm
I dislike the use of Indiana as a name for a human. Stella is harsh sounding to me. That leaves Phoebe which I love.
2016-03-31 10:33 am
I don't like Stella or phoebe so the prettiest to me would be Indiana
2016-03-31 10:22 am
sorry none are pretty or attractive to me Stella with ellie as a nick name could work Not a fan of places for names I have always dislikes Phoebe I just see fleas sorry.
2016-03-31 9:02 am
Always liked Stella.
2016-03-31 7:18 am

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