Tax returns and abuse? Help?

2016-03-30 9:24 pm
My friends mom did her taxes with her husband. But he's abuse and mentally ill she's planning on kicking him out. The tax return check haven't arrived yet.
Can she get the tax returns without him or his signature since their kids will be living with the mother. She filed no contact order on him in the past.
Thanks in advance.

回答 (5)

2016-03-30 11:13 pm
No bank will cash or accept a Treasury check for deposit without BOTH signatures on it.

This is something that should be handled through the attorneys as part of the divorce settlement.
2016-03-30 9:35 pm
The check needs both their signatures.
2016-03-30 11:39 pm
if there is a refund and the check made out to both of them which it will, she needs his signature on the check to cash it
2016-03-30 9:50 pm
It's his money too. The check will have both names on it & he has to sign at the bank to cash it.
2016-03-30 9:54 pm
If she gets to the mailbox first she can.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:45:19
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