have you EVER YELLED OR CURSED at any family member or they did to you?

2016-03-30 8:15 pm

回答 (112)

2016-03-31 6:11 am
Yeah I cursed at a family member(s) many of times, can't seem to control my frustration when it gets to that point every word comes out and afterward the guilt sets in. I figure i do it out of frustration, or when I feel like my thought is not being heard, or when someone accuses me of saying something that I never did say, or when someone has an argument with me I feel like a wild animal and trapped so I just curse my way out of it and walk away,I have been cursed at but never as badly as I did it to others.
2016-03-30 10:06 pm
No, I simply say, "May the Lord rebuke you."
Curse words are so frequently used that no one even notices them any more. Some people use the same one before every noun in a sentence so they have no shock value.
2016-04-02 11:12 am
Of course. I grew up with 4 sisters. We used to not only tell and curse, but kick the crap out of each other. One time my sister threw me down a set of marble stairs because I wore her UGGs without permission. I still have a dent on the back of my head. I threw my little (she was 15) sister off the roof of my 5 storey house onto a trampoline. It depends I guess.. Once you get older you shouldn't be yelling or swearing at each other. At this point I realize they're the most important people in my life and always will be.
2016-03-31 12:27 am
I've been surrounded by swear words pretty much my entire life, and being cursed at doesn't bother me. I have also cursed at family members, but that was because they deserved it, and I would do it again if I had to (non-blood relatives are not exempt from my verbal venom).
2016-03-30 8:20 pm
I have. And I deeply regret doing so.
2016-03-31 12:32 am
I've been cursed at but I've never cursed at a family member. That's disrespectful! I have, however, yelled though. I'm one of 4 kids. I tend to get frustrated at times lol
2016-03-31 7:52 am
Yep my sister stole something from me.and I yelled some pretty bad things.????you should NEVER say something mean to someone you love or care about. You can't take words back.
2016-03-31 12:17 am
I have been cursed at by a family member. It hurt my feelings, but its all good now.
2016-03-30 9:17 pm
Not at first, but when I was maybe 17 my mom called me a "b*tch". I was really hurt at the time because this was a first. She got into the habit of saying it. I told her to use another word. Well she didn't. So when I was around 26 I finally...for the first time called her a b*tch. She stopped after that. It's just not a good idea to swear at your kids ...I honestly thought she didn't love me anymore after saying that. Now I see she was just fed up with me being a teenager lol. Anyway, I DID NOT feel good after calling her a b. I felt terrible, but I felt like she just kept swearing at me, after a lifetime of teaching me not to swear. So one day I just called her one too. She eventually said sorry and she won't use that language anymore and I said sorry too.
2016-03-30 8:22 pm
yes, It has happened. I did apologize, it the bad economy, poverty, social ills, and complications do indeed increase the likelihood this will indeed occur. we should not do it. But family morals in the usa have indeed changed, you see this behavior much more common now than ever before
2016-03-31 4:18 pm
All the time lol
2016-03-31 12:47 pm
yelled? yes. cursed? no. i respect my family no matter how terrible they'd be i'll never curse on them.
2016-03-31 12:11 pm
I wish there wasn't any screaming or yelling in my family. I hate my dad for it, i don't like my mom using that tone of voice with me either. I am emotionally closed off to any of them.
2016-03-31 3:38 am
2016-03-31 3:30 am
Yeah.. And they don't like it.
2016-03-31 2:38 am
No. My mom and dad sometimes curse, but never at us.
2016-03-31 12:53 am
2016-03-30 10:25 pm
Nope or my mom would kill me #Caribbeanlife
2016-03-30 8:34 pm
No we do not do that in my family
2016-03-30 8:20 pm
LOL! Too damn many kids

"deaf" Daddy beat us up- we were babies- for making too god damned much ******* NOISE.

my first memory- my first taste of what power can do to a guy.
My rich Daddy was "deaf" when we talked, angry when we outed him as a fake.
2016-03-30 8:18 pm
Yes I have. I felt bad about it later though and apologized.
2016-03-30 8:16 pm
yes, it happens at times
2016-04-01 10:28 am
I've been cursed at but I've never cursed at a family member. That's disrespectful! I have, however, yelled, though. I'm one of the older kid in my house. I tend to get frustrated at times but never cursed anyone. Cursing is the act of devil and I do not wanna be a devil.
2017-03-05 7:28 am
all the time! haha... i yell at my niece 'cause she makes me get in trouble a lot... and my mom cusses me out all the time... and i have an older brother and we fight a lot so there's a lot of cursing...
2016-04-06 12:12 am
no i will not... my family members would probably kick me out of my home if i ever curse to them
2016-04-04 9:01 pm
I have done both more than once to siblings and mom hahaha
2016-04-04 12:29 pm
Of course lol. You can't be part of a family of 8 and not yell (or curse) at some point.

We grew up in a no cursing environment, but even still a few swear words got thrown around a few times in moments of intense anger.

As for yelling? Psshhh... Not a single day has ever gone past without it.
2016-04-04 9:54 am
Yes my family members and I always curse at eachother in heated arguments its natural for some families it depends on the environment you are raised in,how functional or dysfunctional the family is, and what age the family members are
2016-04-04 12:52 am
I've yelled at everyone lol
2016-04-03 11:33 pm
All the time! Haha. I yell at my niece because she makes me get in trouble a lot. And my mom cusses me out all the time. And I have an older brother and we fight a lot so there is a lot of cursing.
2016-04-03 11:30 pm
Well I dont really curse at home ( Dont have right to do that ), But my parents curse at me frequently...And I am so trained with that, like If my parents dont curse at me I have to piss them of to curse me..so I can have a good day.
2016-04-03 11:26 pm
2016-04-03 10:13 pm
I yelled and cursed at my dad when he was ridin dis d*ck
2016-04-03 3:14 pm
Never, but my brother has
2016-04-03 2:10 am
yes both ways
answer mine
2016-04-03 1:56 am
My stepdad used to yell at me because of the retarded brother I hate.
2016-04-03 1:11 am
yes that has happened to me
2016-04-03 1:02 am
No, never. Some people have morals and good sense.
2016-04-02 4:33 pm
Oh **** me
2016-04-02 4:08 pm
Yes. My mother and her two sisters (that's my be called familly) are totally different from me. They never accepted me for who I am.
2016-04-02 3:44 pm
I have never cursed, but I have yelled at my sister a few times.
2016-04-02 12:17 pm
I have crushed many times but not at any family member .
2016-04-02 11:27 am
When I was 5 I smashed a glass on the table because I was mad then screamed the f word at my dad
2016-04-02 9:43 am
I'm sure I've cursed at my sister, but I've never cursed directly at my grandmother or parents. Sometimes I'll curse when discussing them privately but that's different. My mom's cursed at me.
2016-04-02 7:30 am
Jesus Christ, are you kidding me? My parents would probably lock me in my room without anything to entertain me and feed me cold canned soup if I did that. No matter how mad I am, they will probably always out-scream me.
2016-04-02 5:45 am
I never cursed to my family. But my mom does it to me. She called me a ***** and a whore once
2016-04-02 5:15 am
2016-04-02 1:34 am
maybe when family have a fight but most family forget it and go on
2016-04-01 10:32 pm
yes but not my parents, more like cousins and stuff
2016-04-01 9:28 pm
Yelled and physically assaulted, been there done that, they deserved the hell out of it by the way!
2016-04-01 9:27 pm
Yes...I have bipolar disorder and a "temper". I don't think before I act and yes other family members have done it to me people that come from harsh areas and broken homes understand the struggle,the harsh things that get said and the violence .
2016-04-01 7:03 pm
No; nor to anyone else.
I am not a puppet, so no-one pulls the strings
2016-04-01 6:56 pm
Yes, but not on purpose. We didn't mean it or anything.
2016-04-01 6:19 pm
2016-04-01 5:16 pm
Yes, lol, even my mom.
2016-04-01 5:05 pm
Yes and yes.
2016-04-01 4:51 pm
Do it to my mother all the time. I resent her for having me in the first place!
2016-04-01 4:20 pm
LOL; I was married for 30 years ! ( 4 children ) !
2016-04-01 4:03 pm
Yes, when I was in my teens. You know what it's like to be the elder son and cousin and taking care of a bunch of vandals they call your cousins and sisters? They were lucky I wasn't of the legal age to own a gun yet.
2016-04-01 3:17 pm
of course. it's the only way.
2016-04-01 3:10 pm
yes mom swears all time, my whole family does. it just comes natural to them.
2016-04-01 3:05 pm
Yes many times!
2016-04-01 3:02 pm
I grew up with my Dad yelling at cursing at one of us just about every single day of my life. Not to mention the physical violence. I hate the bastard. Now he is old and hasn't taken care of himself. He's wanting everyone to feel sorry for him and visit him every day for hours and hours. Screw him.
2016-04-01 2:57 pm
I cursed at my mom once when I was 15 and she busted my butt. Never happened again! lol
2016-04-01 1:24 pm
Yes, I do not speak to my brother because he's stuck up his own backside and he tends to cause a lot of trouble for people for no reason.
He's 32. I am 24. I called him an ******** a year ago and haven't spoken to him since as he thought he would try an upset me for the 100th time.
I won't put up with bullshit from no one .
2016-04-01 9:17 am
Yes but because of our anger bt than later apologize for the wrong way of trying to say something
2016-04-01 9:05 am
Yes. I have major anxiety that I take medicine for, so that can't help. My sister never curses though. She is "too good" for that lol. but my mom started cussing me out as a punishment in the 8th grade. Before that she never cursed. Then I started cussing at my parents out of anger since I was 18. I'm not proud of it, but I have a lot of built up anger towards my mentally abusive dad AND towards my mom sometimes for taking all of that from him, and though our fights over the last couple of years, yes, I cussed them both out. But I always said sorry afterwards, and we make up. I love my mommy lol <3
2016-04-01 8:38 am
I'm not proud of it but yes i have but only when i've gotten so angry that curse words actually slipped out. My family doesn't allow cursing because they feel that it's disrespectful which it is.
2016-04-01 8:06 am
Yes like a milion times. I've cursed at family members and been cursed at by family members. Only certain family members though. Like my mom and siblings because they won't be babies if I curse them. I've never cursed at/been cursed out by a grandparent or aunt&uncle though.
2016-04-01 8:02 am
i been cursed at
2016-04-01 6:59 am
more times than i can count.
2016-04-01 6:26 am
every time i am pissed off by family members i was trying to control myself not to lose temper but i will be anggry for several days. i know it's not right, but i couldn't help to. hope every family to be happy forever.
2016-04-01 5:27 am
well yes. for me, it's a culture thing. I'm asian (and not being racist here) but it's a thing here to discipline kids with yelling & beating. I was yelled & cursed at but I haven't done it to anyone in my family
2016-04-01 5:15 am
My dad never cussed me out, but my mom does all the time. My dad slips in cuss words all the time on accident, a habit he picked up from my mom. Cussing is super natural for our family. My mom adresses me, my best friend, and her coworkers all like this, "Hey S|ut" or "Hey B*tch". We do it right back out of jokes. Though when my mom and me are angry at each other we still cuss at each other loudly. I mean its just a thing we do.
2016-04-01 2:00 am
Yes, I've done it, they've done it. We argue, we fight (not physically), and we ALL swear, it's just how we are.

I'm desensitized to swearing because all the adults around me swear a lot, they did so when I was growing up, too. It's probably why I swear a lot
2016-04-01 1:20 am
yes my prob
2016-04-01 1:00 am
I swear when im talking to my parents but not at them. I swear if it s needed in context for a funny joke.
Like for instance saying a Bill Cosby meme
I Love pudding
Pudding my d!ck where it don t belong.
I used the word d!ck there but my parents know I was just telling a joke so it s ok.
2016-04-01 12:38 am
My mom always do that.
2016-04-01 12:16 am
Yes, I accidentally called my nine year old sister a "stupid C**T". Oops.
2016-03-31 11:43 pm
Once I told my grandfather "I'll see you in HELL, old man!!!" and he said "OK, save me a good seat then" and then he killed me with his old cavalry sword.
2016-03-31 11:07 pm
My ma is always cursing not always at any one but sometimes at people I don't care anymore but I would never curse in front of my parents
2016-03-31 10:34 pm
Family are not perfect
2016-03-31 9:25 pm
Yes, and they got off very lightly because they proved to be an underhanded , despicable shower of $hit, that should have been shovelled into a stinking heap somewhere. With such people, the rot is built in, and goes right down to the core. The greatest tragedy is the such people believe that their behaviour is acceptable, which means that all you can do is to walk away, and leave them to grovel in their own filth.
2016-03-31 9:07 pm
Ive cursed a little bit but it was an accident
2016-03-31 8:36 pm
Yes I have
2016-03-31 8:35 pm
Yes, I have and they did it to me too.
2016-03-31 8:22 pm
I figure i do it out of frustration, or when I feel like my thought is not being heard, or when someone accuses me of saying something that I never did say, or when someone has an argument with me I feel like a wild animal and trapped so I just curse my way out of it and walk away,I have been cursed at but never as badly as I did it to others.
2016-03-31 8:11 pm
When does that not happen?
2016-03-31 7:21 pm
many years ago, yes to both
2016-03-31 6:38 pm
2016-03-31 5:57 pm
Yeah cuz i caught them eating a pineapple
2016-03-31 5:14 pm
When it comes to visiting family, who you are can sometimes regress into the child they remember you as instead of the fully capable adult that you are now. How do you know this is happening? When you’re afraid to be yourself around them, it’s happening.
2016-03-31 5:06 pm
2016-03-31 4:24 pm
2016-03-31 2:59 pm
My parents did not swear.
My mother gave me the finger when I was a teeager and I found it shocking at the time.
2016-03-31 2:47 pm
Yes, unfortunately.
2016-03-31 2:05 pm
2016-03-31 11:36 am
I didn't do that before they did...
2016-03-31 10:15 am
Yeah who hasn't lol
2016-03-31 9:07 am
Haha both
2016-03-31 7:22 am
I hate to admit it but sometimes I do it when talking about things some people do that piss me off
2016-03-31 6:17 am
2016-03-31 4:49 am
No I won't. My family members would probably kick me out of my home if I ever curse to them
2016-03-31 4:38 am
All the time
2016-03-31 3:56 am
I have yelled at my kids many of time cursing was prohibited until they moved out of my home I never use any profanity. They all use some at times but my son is worse when he does around me I just say please use another word there are thousands in the dictionary. He gets a guilty look and tries to reframe
2016-03-31 3:44 am
no, i dont like being rude to people, i dont live with my family so im not around them much for them to do it to me
2016-03-31 12:51 am
My dad is the only one in my family who has cursed at me. i haven't cursed at anyone in my family even though there have been multiple times when i really wanted to.
2016-03-30 11:09 pm
2016-03-30 9:22 pm
Yup. Not too long ago I got called stupid and got in trouble when I tried to defend myself. Oh well...
2016-03-30 9:13 pm
2016-03-31 4:12 am
2016-03-30 8:15 pm
yes, especially those that grow up in ghetto communities. it ok to curse, use profanity and vulgar in the household
2016-04-01 7:13 am
Yes. I yelled at them from a very young age of 2, and I never cursed. 60% of my family members cursed. I know I'm sick and tired of all of the hearing from pop culture crap.

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