
2016-03-30 12:22 pm
問題就來,我英文其實好差!本身諗住報名唔會揀中自己,點知自己中咗! 我英文差,普通話又麻麻,去到其實我怕溝通唔到……

回答 (1)

2016-03-31 1:22 am
Since you've got six months to learn Bunny -sing.English, you better learn the 4 aspects :-
(1)Listen:-Did you listen to what English teachers or radio said ?
---pay attention to pronunciation.
(2)Speak:-Say what you think about the place you visit;
---speak out your opinion,thoughts with a prepared speech for usage.
(3)Read:-to read a story,grades doesn't matter;
---interpret and understand the studies,
---look up from a dictionary which is very helpful;
(4)Write:-to write your thoughts
---to write letters
---to write a composition on Singa.
---take down sentence constructions
Hence go to a Crammer School.At school, you learn facts and skills better; as the proverb says"Practice makes Perfect;Make a practice of cheating at Singa. examination."

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:41:17
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